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That mystery, however, was shattered just days later when a new patient was brought into the ward. Ben and Joe were sitting together on the couch. They were close, pressed together as they watched an old Shirley Temple reel play on the tv. Joe's fingers ran slowly along Ben's leg while Ben caressed his forearm. It wasn't teasing or sexy. It was for comfort. Joe liked touching him, whether it was gentle or rough. Holding hands or jerking off their heavy, wet cocks. Sweet or sexy, he didn't care.

They had made time for one another time. Practically attached at the hip. Joe had never had that before. Sure, they were literally stuck at the place, so it wasn't like they wouldn't see one another around, but they chose this. Chose to be around one another. Chose to sit together, watching tv or playing games or going to the garden.

Chose to kiss one another slowly, talking quietly to keep the staff from knowing one another. Chose to use coconut oil as lube in order to make sex more bearable. And sure, maybe they did all those things because it was better than being alone.

But Joe had been alone before and he didn't mind it. He chose to be alone. He didn't know if Ben was a real choice, but if so, it was very tempting.

The man approached them carefully, staring intensely. He looked familiar, but Joe couldn't place him. He was tall and handsome with a strange name and an accent to boot. Joe wasn't jealous. Mostly because Ben didn't even look at him when he came over. He just kept watching the child star singing and dancing on screen, his pointer finger running up and down Joe's arm slowly.

"You're him." He mentioned, pointing to Ben.

"Can I help you mate?" Ben asked, utterly confused and quite annoyed that the new guy was blocking his view.

"You're Ben Hardy." He replied.

"And you're in my way," Ben told him harshly. "Trying to watch The Little Princess so kindly sod off."

"I had your picture in my room." The man — Gwilym — told him. He came closer, kneeling in front of the two now. "I idolized you. That billboard in London? I came all the way from Bristol just to see that."

"You're confused, mate," Ben spoke, his voice short. Joe looked down, noticing that Ben had grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

Gwilym shook his head frantically, moving closer. "No, no! I know you're him. Same eyes, same jaw line. I read the reports and watched you on the news. You did the right thing. All those bastards deserved to die. You did the right thing!"

"You better shut your mouth before I shut it for you!" Ben stood too quickly, causing Gwilym to fall back. The staff came forward, pulling the new guy away and pushing Ben back to sit down.

"No touching!" One of the nurses said. Joe didn't know if it was because Ben was still holding his hand or if they thought Ben had shoved Gwilym to the floor.

"Get this nosy ponce out of my face before I punch his lights out!" Ben threatened harshly.

"Hey, hey. Relax." Joe spoke softly, placing his hand on Ben's shoulder. The blond was seething, practically growling with anger.

"Get to your room, Hardy." One of the nurses ordered.

Ben stormed off, leaving Joe behind to wonder what the hell just happened. Later on, when they were together, alone in one of the rooms, Joe could see Ben was still angry. Joe had found out that Gwilym was brought in due to some public indecent brought on a bad case of schizophrenia. Ben scoffed, insisting that the man was insane and didn't know what the fuck he was talking about.

Joe knew there was more to the story but didn't press for the issue. Ben looked so angry. He kept clenching and unclenching his fist and he looked like he was ready to punch the wall.

Deciding to attempt to make things better, Joe left the room, coming back a few minutes later. Later that night, when it was time to go to bed, Joe told Ben to meet him in the sitting room. There was an old radio there, bolted to the wall. He turned it on, searching until he found a song he liked.

He had given up his last cigarette for a moment of privacy. It wasn't as good as one hundred dollars, but the nurse didn't have a chance to go out and buy some more. He took the cigarette and went out for his break, giving Joe and Ben ten minutes alone.

The first song was some pop jam that Joe danced to on his own. He wanted to make Ben laugh. To amuse him as this lanky white guy danced along to some girl telling the person she was singing to that she didn't want perfection, just them.

It seemed to do the trick for the most part. Ben stood there, his brow raised as he watched him. When that song ended, another began.

The song played out slowly. It wasn't one Joe knew, but it was one he could dance to. He pulled Ben in, forcing him to dance with him. He tried to make it playful. Twirling in his arms and swaying to the music. He pulled himself out and then spun back in. It was enough to make Ben smile, even enough to have him playfully dip him.

When the nurse came back, the two broke apart, but not because they didn't want to be seen, but because they had more stuff on their mind. Ben had always been the giving one when it came to their relationship (was it a relationship?) and tonight Joe wanted to change that.

Going back to Ben's room, which was cleaned up with new sheets and all, Joe pushed Ben onto the bed and got to work. He kissed along his body, touching him softly. He left little marks here and there; tiny reminders of what he could do to this man. He rode him slow and carefully, letting Ben sit up against the headboard as they kiss sensually. They finished together, almost in a soft, strange unison.

The smell of coconut oil had oddly enough become one of Joe's favorite things in the world and yet another thing to add onto the list of things he would miss when he was gone.

As they laid together, falling asleep in one another arms, Joe thought for the first time in a long time that maybe he didn't have to leave so soon.

A Peculiar Solace {Hardzello Love Story}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora