Chapter Twelve

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Adylyn's POV

After Zach said I could sleep in his bed, I got up and ran to go get my suitcase out of my car. I come back inside and Zach takes me upstairs to his room. He opens the door, runs and flops on the bed. When he hits the bed he poses. I laugh.

"C'mon you have do it too!" Zach says.

I release the handle of my suitcase then run and flop on the bed. I strike the same pose and we both laugh. Then we both just lay down on the bed, our legs dangling off the side.

"Zach?" I ask sitting up looking over at him.

"Yeah?" he asks.

"I feel bad for taking your room," I say.

"Don't feel bad. I'm just glad you're here," he says finally says sitting up looking at me.

He pushes my hair behind my ear. I smile shyly.

"I am too. But I don't want to be in here all by myself. I could sleep on an air mattress or we could share the bed," I say.

"No it's okay. I promise. I'm good with the couch," he says.

"Please Zach," I beg looking into his eyes.

"Okay, I'll stay in here with you," he says.

I smile big and get up. I start unzip my suitcase and start taking things out. I open drawers and gently tuck everything in there neatly. Zach gets up off of the bed to help me. He comes up beside me and booty bumps me.

"Did you just booty bump me?" I laugh and then snort.

My face turns bright red and I turn my head away from Zach out of embarrassment.

"Did you just snort?" Zach asks.

I turn back at him and smile slightly. "Maybe."

Just Beautiful- A Jonah Marias Fanfiction (DISCONTINUED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant