The Job Interview

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Scarlet was hanging out in the living room watching her show on Netflix. She was a thirteen year old with short messy green hair. Amber was in her room getting dressed for her interview. She had long straight red hair. Once in her work clothes, she walked out. "Alright Scarlet, I'll be back in a few hours. I've arranged to have a babysitter come watch you while I'm away". This came as a surprise to Scarlet.
"Babysitter!? But mom! You said we could play and hang out! You promised!" She pouted down on the couch.
"I'm sorry dear, but I can't miss out on this interview. I promise we'll play next week." Amber smiled, walked over to Scarlet and hugged her. "But at least you'll be able to play with the babysitter! I heard good things about her!" Amber tried to reassure her daughter that things were going to be fine, that didn't work.
"No!" She crossed her arms and thought for a moment. "Mmm, actually, ok. But before you leave, can I make you a good luck drink?"
Amber sighed, the least she could do was play along with this one game. "Alright then dear, be sure to make it a quick one! Mother is going to need all that luck to land the job" Amber smiled as she checked her phone. She received a message from the babysitter that she was on her way.
Scarlet went into the kitchen and came back with a small cup. "Here you go, you need to drink it all to get the good luck."
"Why thank you, Scarlet, I'm sure this will be just what I need to land the position!" Amber smiled and began to drink all of the good luck drink. She didn't feel anything at first as she replied to the babysitter about waiting for her to arrive.
"Mm, a mix of sleeping pills and laxatives will make you work perfectly for a new playmate."
"W-What was that...?" Amber yawned and took a seat on the couch. Within seconds she fell asleep and her phone fell out of her hand.
Scarlet took the phone and texted the babysitter and told her that she was no longer required. She dropped the phone in a dresser and went to her mother. "This will be fun."

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