[26] avoiding

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i watched his game on the first day of school fest. fortunately, they won against the college.

they again played yesterday, and again, they won.

in everytime he gets to shoot the ball onto the ring, the crowd starts to squeal. told you, he is already that famous in our campus.

unlike them, i just clapped aggressively on my seat whenever he shoots the ball.

today is the third day and the acitivity for this day is the grand parade.

i wasn't allowed by my mom to join the grand parade for the school fest. for sure it would be crowded and tiring.

so i stayed in a vacant room with dokyeom and his classmates.

i was sluggishly playing with my phone while eating the snacks i have brought.

i rested my feet on the chair in front of me. luckily they are just letting the students stay in the classrooms.

suddenly, the door squeak opened, making my eyes divert off my phone

some group of boys apparently looked like they are also going to stay here.

they seemed basketball players with those jerseys on and sports bag hanged on their right shoulders.

nothing special with them so i set my sight back to my phone when dokyeom suddenly nudged me.

"what?" i annoyingly replied and glared at him. he used his eyes to tell me something as he directed it towards the direction of these basketball players who just came in.

"ohhh," i coolly said and slowly put my feet down off the chair. i secretly fixed myself and sat properly like a girl.

jungkook came in along with his varsity friends. are they going to stay here as well? heol.

i sensed that he is just behind me, precisely 5 feet away.

i really thought he's a cold person and an introverted one. like he doesn't hsve friends nor socialize with other people.

but he looked normal though. he exchanges replies with his friends.

due to uneasiness since my crush is just around and in the same room as where i am, i decided to get out of the room to grab some snacks at the cafeteria.

another reason why i planned on leaving the room for a moment is that he looked uncomfortable knowing that i am around.

his body is directed at his friends. it's like he is trying his best to face his back on me.

do i make you feel uncomfortable?

and there i decided to leave the room.

but after buying some snacks from the caf, i went back.

but after a few minutes, he left the room with a friend.

i'm 75t% sure that i am the reason why he left the room. i dmed him last time.

and yes regarding that. he had seen my message but he didn't reply or something.

so cold.

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