Jotaro x Reader 『Stares』

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"Okay Class. This is our new transfer student." The teacher said as a female student entered the classroom.
"You may present yourself and sit wherever you'd like." He gave off a smile to the new student.

"Yo, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). I hope we can all get along!" (Y/n) said while smiling looking at everyone's faces, when she made eye contact with one specific student, it seems it pissed him off, he frowned and looked away.
(Y/n) was confused but ignore it and went to find a seat. The only one available at the moment is one by the window in front of the looked pissed off guy. She didn't hesitate and took the seat.

Meanwhile in class, she can feel as someone is watching her, whoever it is, they sure are burning their eyes on her back as they can see right through her. 'Is it the guy with the strange hat?' She thought. 'I can sense a strong aura coming from the back of me, why does this guy seems so pissed?' She decided to ignore it and continue on her class.

The bell rang meaning it's lunchtime already, (Y/n) got up from her desk and still felt the stare of that guy from behind, she stumbled a bit before going out of the classroom with her lunch in hand.

(Y/n)  POV

Walking by the hallway I found a group of girls following the guy who sits behind me.
"Hey Jotaro!" One girl said.
"Hey get off him, he's mine!" An other one said. Soon they where all fighting over the guy. He seemed really pissed off, it seems as he was about to shout until he saw me, I just decided to turn around and walk to the other side. I don't think is really a good idea to talk to that guy.. In this moment.

'So Jotaro is his name, huh.'

3 Days Later

A few days have already passed and it doesn't seem that Kujo isn't staring at me anymore. In my first day after school a few girls were basically attacking and telling me to stay away from Kujo, saying that he's theirs. I wasn't gonna take it, I stood up for myself and since then they aren't attacking me again, good.

On my second day I met a guy named Futanaki Sadoshi, he told me lots about Kujo Jotaro, he seemed afraid too just like a few others students and teachers. After everything I heard about Kujo these 3 days, I don't actually think he's really a bad guy, some might be rumors and others true but what actually matters is what in the inside, who knows, he could be the nicest person you ever met. Something must have affected him and maybe that's why he acts rough.

Today in class the teacher seems to be running late. I decided to take out a book I liked about Sea Animals. I was reading peacefully for a few minutes until I felt the staring again.
'Really? Again?' I thought. I could just tell him to stop staring at me but maybe it would piss him off, if I keep reading I won't feel it anymore so I'll just continue.

Later that day I saw him when I was going to the library. 'What's he doing here? Does he like reading?' I carefully watched him, stalking is bad but he seems like an interesting guy.
I saw him grab a book.. No, a few books, about.. Marine Life? His interested in that too? We haven't met and we already have something in common, nice. An idea came through my head and so then I left.

2 Days Later

It seems like the other day Kujo did took my book. I left my book about Sea Animals in his desk with a note inside saying:

"Hello Mr.Stares, I saw you liked things about Marine Life so I thought about landing you my book to read, I think you'd love it.

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