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Three months since he liked her post. Three whole months. She had lost track of the milestones, and when they had went on a first date, or whatever. It all blurred. He wasn't doing much since he was on break from filming, just meetings here and there and a reading or two, some auditions to see if he was right for a role. She didn't like thinking about when filming would pick up. It wasn't something she allowed to cross her mind. For now, she enjoyed the time they spent together. She enjoyed simple days like these where Timothée was sitting on her bed reading, while she typed away at her keyboard, trying to get out the book review everyone online had been requesting.

"You hungry?" She heard Timothée's soft voice ask her over the sound of her spotify playlist that contained soft jazz music.

"Not right now, give me a half an hour?" She didn't look up at him, but she felt his steps come closer to her, his hands placed on her shoulders, softly. They were careful not to be too touchy, not wanting to make it seem like they are in an actual relationship just yet.

"Hey, c'mon this stuff isn't supposed to stress you out. You love this." He leaned down a little to look over her shoulder, looking down at the screen, and the few sentences she had written down. She had been trying to write a review on All The Bright Places before the film came out, which was supposed to be very soon.

"Yeah, I do, it's just usually I work on a schedule, and i've been spending so much of my free time with you..." She started to trail off. Timothée frowned a little bit, starting to feel a little guilty.

"Well, I could leave?" He suggested, "Let you catch up? I don't like that being around me stresses you out..." He mumbled, and she instantly shook her head, starting to type again.

"I'm almost done, seriously, then we can go do something, we can go get lunch or... Something." She started to trail off again, trying to spit out whatever she could that she was still proud of. His hands started to wrap around her shoulders and his chin rested on the top of her head.

"Actually... I had something else in mind..." He started, Ariel instantly getting interested, literally sentences away from finishing the only review she has written in two weeks.

"Yeah? What's that?" She pushed her chin into the crook of Timothée's elbow, hoping she wasn't being too affectionate too soon.

"Well... Saoirse and Armie are in town tonight, like in the city." Ariel's heart started to beat faster. But of course he would want her to meet his friends. Of course he would want her to meet his closest friends, they had been seeing one another for a while, and Timothée was already buddy buddy with all of her friends. It was incredibly reasonable for him to want her to meet his friends.

"Oh? Yeah that sounds good." She managed to sputter out, doing everything she possibly could to not sound like she was losing her mind. Timothée hummed and leaned over to press a kiss on her cheek.

"Perfect, i'll tell them and we can set up a time..." He told her, waiting for a response that he didn't get from her as she started to finish up the review. "They're going to love you, Ari." He whispered.

And she tried to believe him.


imessage groupchat "famoose family"

mom : elizabeth chambers
dad : armie hammer
son : timothee chalamet
daugther : saoirse ronan


okay so you guys are in town tonight?

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