Zoo Dates

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Elliot and Olivia never stopped talking after he retired, but they never made a move either. Olivia helped Elliot through his divorce and his drinking. Elliot helped Olivia after everything with Lewis, and even helped her through the adoption of Noah. They have always been in each others lives, but neither one knew how to take it farther than it was.

Rated: PG-13

"Noah, have you decided on what we're doing tomorrow?" I asked my 5 year old knowing I always let him pick our activity once a week and I had to agree no matter how uninterested or boring it may be, and believe me it can be boring. One day when Noah was 3 he decided for his day he wanted to count all of the pieces of grass he could find in Central Park... I tried to suggest something else but he was set on it. According to him there was 11 in total.

"Yep!" He said taking a bite of his chicken and avoiding his carrots, thankfully that and olives is all he claims to not like. At least this week.

"Well, what are we doing?" I asked taking a bite of my own dinner first.

"I can't tell you yet, I have to make a call" Noah said as he reached for my phone

"Uh, what do you mean you need to make a call? Do you have to call your attorney first, Mr. Benson?" I joked

"No, mommy I don't even have an 'anonaturney' he said trying to pronounce attorney making me smile.

"Okay, but who are you calling, baby?"

"It's a secret please mommy!" He pouted and I unlocked it and gave it to him knowing he knew how to use it unfortunately, but he clearly knew who he had to call and it was either someone from the squad, or Lucy. Noah got out of his chair and went to his bedroom and closed the door making me curious

"Noah, you better not be calling 911 again" I shouted remembering the time he called 911 when he was 3 because he thought he had a monster under his bed. And he said I told him it was ok to call 911 if it was an emergency or he felt in danger. I had to have a talk with him about different types of danger and what an emergency is.

"I'm not mommy!" Noah shouted back

A couple minutes later Noah returned and was jumping with excitement as he said where we were going tomorrow.

"I want to go to the zoo, mommy!" He said as he hugged my legs and gave me my phone.

I brushed his hair back and kissed his head

"I think that is a wonderful idea, baby" I looked down at my phone and say the last number called and I smiled at the name 'Elliot' of course my son would call Elliot to come with us. He wanted him to do everything with us, and Elliot was more than excited to.

We finished dinner and put Noah in the bath laughing as we had a bubble fight.

"Okay my little lion, if we want energy tomorrow we need to get our sleep" I told him as I wrapped a towel around him and drained the tub. We brushed our teeth together and I read Noah a story, kissed him goodnight and we said our ' I love you's' before I made my way to my bedroom.

I laid in bed turned the TV on and turned the volume on low as I reached for my phone.

'It seems my son knows how to do everything on iPhones except erasing the last number called :p' I texted Elliot

'I have no idea what you're talking about ;)' Elliot responded followed by a second text

'At least pretend to act surprised, I would hate to disappoint him by ruining the surprise'

Elliot was so good to my son, and he truly cared for him, I loved that he was around to watch Noah grow up with me and to help me with him, and to reassure me that I'm doing a good job when I think I've failed as a mom

EO One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora