233a.) Zangetsu's Reason

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233a.) Zangetsu's Reason

Genera: Angst, Friendship

Main Characters: Zangetsu, Muramasa, Ichigo

Rating: K+

Zangetsu had to admit, his bond with Ichigo wasn't that strong length wise, like other shingami and zanpaktou. Their relationship had been in ways, rather rushed. That very well may be why Muramasa was able to separate his soul from Ichigo's body.

However, the old man could easily argue that with Ichigo, the time spent was enough. The boy had learned to come to have a great deal of respect for him, even so much to look up to him as a mentor, or even anguish over not possibly showing enough respect.

Muramasa argued free will, but how much free will had been taken away on some of the zanpaktou. Zangetsu was no fool, as upon removal, he felt some of this, perhaps a great deal zapped. Which meant if any broke away, or any realized they were being used as tools no different from before, in fact worse, this zanpaktou spirit would be in trouble.

Or course, someone, a certain someone who had pulled him out, might argue it was because of the fact that Zangetsu was tired of the fact that he had to live side by side with Ichigo's inner hollow, a piece of work in itself, but most hollows were.

Then again, Muramasa had no clue that the inner hollow existed. But arguably, the inner hollow being there was in truth a reason that Zangetsu had left. Ichigo's will had always been strong enough to fight off the other consciousness, so Zangetsu had never found him… tiresome.

The look on the rebel zanpaktou's face when he found out about the other soul residing within the substitute Shingami, this was something that he defiantly had not been prepared for. Zangetsu truly felt he had the last laugh in the matter.

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