Fears and Good Mornings

Start from the beginning

"Thanks El" Elliot rubbed her back softly as he let himself enjoy their embrace

"What movie did you bring?" She said pulling away to pull the food out of the bag

"The Terrifier, Munch said it was worth the watch" Elliot told her knowing they both liked horror movies, unless it involved rape or children. They saw enough of that at work they didn't need to have that on their days off too.

"You're listening to Munch now?"

"The old man is a kook, if anyone knows scary and unusual it's Munch" Elliot said making Olivia laugh.

Elliot put the movie on and took his usual seat on the couch bringing his and Olivias' beer with him, Olivia joined him placing the food on the coffee table as she took a seat accepting the soft throw blanket Elliot held out for her knowing when they watch horror movies she likes to feel the comfort of the blanket around her, and she often sits a bit closer to Elliot when they watch them.

The movie started and Olivia hadn't been bothered by the movie as she took a few bites of her pasta moaning at the taste.

10 minutes in and a scene came on that made Olivia tense up and Elliot felt it, he watched her from the corner of his eye wondering what she was thinking.

"El, what's this movie about?" She asked nervously but before he had a chance to answer she saw the clown sitting at the table in the movie and she instantly wanted it off.

"Turn it off, El" She told him softly

"It just started, Liv" He said as he pulled her close to him

"Please, just turn it off"

"Is Livvy scared of a little clown?" He teased poking her waist

"Elliot turn it off !" She told him a bit louder but he continued to tease her knowing she had said it before about movies but she was never serious.

"Don't worry, Liv I'll protect you from the evil clo-"

"Elliot! For fuck sakes turn the movie off!" She yelled and Elliot knew something was wrong so he quickly leaned forward to grab the remote and turned the movie off as Olivia sat on the couch wrapped in the blanket with a scared look on her face.

"Liv, I'm sorry, I had no idea, why didn't you tell me you that you were scared of clowns?"

"It's stupid, El."

"Liv, if it scares you, I want you to tell me these things so I know"

"Because being scared of clowns is so childish, El. I didn't want to tell anyone" Olivia said softly

"Liv, we all have fears, it's not childish to have fears no matter what they are" He told her as he pulled her back to him and softly rubbed her arms

"For the work we do and the shit we see everyday, clowns are the last thing I should be scared of" 

A few moments of silence past and Olivia was enjoying the feeling of laying with Elliot.

"I'm scared of rats" Elliot said softly causing Olivia to look up from Elliots shoulder where she was currently resting her head.

"What?" She asked with a soft smile

"Yeah, I am terrified of rats. Ever since I was a kid"

"But you live in New York?" Olivia asked with a chuckle

"And you better hope that you are never with me when I see one, or else you will have to be pulling a grown man out of a tree" Elliot smiled when Olivia laughed

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