"You drive just fine," Jacob assured her.

"Sure, sure," Kari mumbled to herself.

"Bella, you remember Jacob and Kari?" Charlie turned to his daughter.

"We used to make mud pies when were little," Jacob admitted. "But you probably remember my sisters better."

"No, yeah. I remember," Bella said awkwardly. "It's good to see you guys again. You look good, Billy."

Kari tuned out the banter between Charlie and Billy. "Jacob rebuilt the engine."

"No way," Bella said. She looked over the truck with new awe in her eyes. "Cool."

"Bella?" Kari said hesitantly. Jacob had walked around to the other side of the truck, but not before Bella managed to hit him with the door. "I wanted to apologize. I wasn't the nicest kid growing up."

There was no need to mention how much she had hated Bella for stealing Jacob's attention away. She'd been friends with him first. Bella only smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "Why do you think Charlie stopped taking me with him? I threw a few tantrums myself."

Kari laughed. She remembered playing on the beach once and the older girl making a fuss. The three teenagers climbed into the truck, Kari squished in the middle awkwardly. Bella smiled over at the two natives. "You guys want a ride to school?"

Jacob and Kari shared a look before Jacob spoke. "We go to school on the reservation."

"Right," Bella said. Her smile was fake. "It just would've been nice to know someone already."

Charlie, who wasn't really a talker at all, invited the three to stay for dinner. Before anyone could complain, he added that he ordered pizza. Billy agreed and made Jacob help him inside before either of the kids could say a word. The small talk in the house came out as awkward. Bella didn't talk much more than her father and Billy spent the time talking about Harry Clearwater having health problems. He was talking about how Sue, Harry's wife, was trying to force him to eat healthier when the pizza arrived. Bella answered the door and Charlie took the chance to turn on whatever basketball game was on.

"It was nice to meet you again, Bella," Kari said with a smile. It was drizzling outside and Jacob was helping Billy into the truck.

"Yeah," Bella agreed. "We should all get together again sometime. It's nice to have some friends."

"I'm glad to see Charlie's happy," Kari commented on the way home. "Maybe he won't be so lonely now."

Billy nodded in agreement. He glanced passed Kari to Jacob, who was driving, and had a hint of a knowing smirk on his lips. "It was good to see Bella again. Wasn't it, Jake?"

Kari tossed a sidelong glance at her best friend and saw his cheeks turn pink. His voice was mumbled. "I guess."

Billy smirked and looked back out the windshield. Kari crossed her arms over her chest and sat in silence, not amused by Billy's teasing. The ride home seemed a lot longer than the ride to Forks. Once the truck was thrown into park and the engine was off, Jacob climbed out and helped Billy into his chair. Kari scooted out the driver's door and hip-checked Jacob with a teasing look before pushing Billy into the house. She stopped him near the couch and flopped down onto her back.

"Why don't you go flop down onto your own couch?" Jacob asked, his eyebrows raised. He twisted his hair back at the nape of his neck and managed to tie it expertly in place.

"I like this one better," Kari answered with a shrug. She turned toward the television, not seeing whatever it was Billy had turned on.

"Want to work on the Rabbit with me?" Jacob asked. His hands were shoved deep in his pockets. "I don't have any homework."

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