"Good to see you again." I said. 

We went inside and the kids went to play.

"So how is it going with you and Mike?"

"Maddie Mike and I are just friends."

"But you have feelings for him. Don't you?"


"Just tell me."

"Yes. But it's too soon for this. Isn't it?"

"Do you think Chester would want you to be unhappy?"

"No. I don't know. I feel guilty for having these feelings for Mike."

"Don't be. You can't hold back forever just because Mike and Chester were best friends. Follow your heart babe. If Mike makes you happy then give him a chance. You deserve to be happy too so does Mike. Besides I think you two would be perfect together."

"You really think that?"


"Thanks. I guess."

We ate some foods.

"Well we better get going."

"Not like that." Maddie says and she drags me to her room. She gets some clothes out and she pressed them against me. She puts a red dress against me.

"This one."

"What are you doing?"

"Getting you ready for your night with my ex husband."

"Maddie. I can't do this. This is crazy."

"It's not crazy. Now put on the dress."

I just shrug and I went to put on the dress. She gives me heels and helped me with my hair and makeup.

 She gives me heels and helped me with my hair and makeup

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I left to Mike's place. Maddie took the kids and let them stay with her. I get at Mike's place and knock on the door. He soon opens the door.

"Hey." he says and he kisses me on the cheek.


"Where is the kids?"

"They got tired so Maddie said they can stay with her."

"Is she okay with you being here with me?"

"Yes she is totally okay with it."

"Come in."

I went inside and as I look there wasn't any Christmas decorations. I stare at him.


"It's Christmas. There's no decorations."

"I'm not very good with decorating."

"Really? You're an artist."

"Not that kind of artist." he shrugs.

I laughed and shook my head. 

"Where is the decorations?"

"In that box." he points to the table in the corner of the living room. I went over to the table and I open the box. I take out some decorations and I look over my shoulder.

"Are you going to help me or not?"

He laughs and he comes to help me. We put on some decorations and the tree and we decorated the tree. I get on a chair and put the star on and just when I want to step down, my foot slips, making me fall into Mike's arms. I gasp and look him in his eyes when he catches me.

"T-thank you." I said stuttering. 

He puts me down and I pull myself together. He stares at me and he smiles.

"You look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you." I said blushing and I put a string of hair behind my ear. 

He looks at me and he comes forward. My heart was beating out of my chest and I swallow down the knot in my throat. He lifts my chin up to look at him and he leans in forward to kiss me. I just gave in and closed my eyes. And he kissed me. Slowly at first and gently. Then it gets more intense from both of us. We kissed more and more till we both stopped.

"Mike..." I breathe out.


I swallow again before I speak.

"I don't know what to do."

"What do you mean?"

"I like you. I really do. But I... I feel guilty about this."

"Me too. I mean I am crazy over you. But at the same time. Chester was my best friend and I feel like I'm betraying him."

"I feel the same. I do want this. But I think maybe we should give it more time."

He steps away and I thought that this was the end. But instead he smiles at me and nods.

"We'll give it more time." he agrees.

I nod and we went to the kitchen.

"I got us some pizza and wine. I hope you don't mind. I know it's not really all Christmas like. But I didn't have much time to prepare dinner."

I laughed and nod.

"It's perfect." I said.

I take out some glasses and he gets some plates and set the table up. We both sit down and he poured us some wine and I put a slice of pizza in the plates. We enjoy the wine with the pizza and each other's company for the evening. 

After that I went home to Maddie and spend the night with her.


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