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t h a n k g o d

y u n h o

it seemed like hours passed by as yunho stared at the small gray cat on his lap. instead of the cat attacking him- based off of yunho's assumption -he cuddled up against his chest.

yunho had been in his apartment all day. but, when he left to go to the market, he was welcomed home to a small cat. how could it have appeared within 10 minutes of his absence and not leave any evidence of where it came from? something suddenly clicked in yunho's head and thought of the cute girl next door. they never really talked, but he saw her and her cat many times. she was quiet and never greeted him hello in the hallway.

taking out his black phone, he looked through his contacts to see if he, by chance, had her number. and, of course, he did. yunho had everyone's number, believe it or not. he had her saved as '귀여운 떡.'


hey, i don't know how it happened,,, but your cat is on my livingroom sofa

귀여운 떡:

who is this? how the flip did you get my number?


so the cat's name is pochacco, yunho thought.


i'm your neighbor, yunho lol (ᵔᴥᵔ)

ur cat is safe tho,,, he's cuddling me

귀여운 떡:

(;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') i'm omw

not even had two seconds gone by when yunho heard nervous pounds on his apartment door. pochacco lazily moved to the other side of the couch, allowing yunho to open the door.

as soon as he opened the door, he was greeted with his small neighbor, hwayeon. but, things did not look too well for the petite girl. the cute girl he saw in the hallway this afternoon was gone; her face was covered in tears, her hair was a mess, and she looked incredibly tired. yunho scrunched his eyebrows in concern with his chest slightly aching for the poor girl.

rather than saying hello, or asking to come inside, hwayeon rushed inside to look for her kitty. she walked through the kitchen and made her way to the living room. her eyes landed on pochacco and she ran to him. pochacco- realizing that his owner was there -jumped into her arms and purred into her gentle embrace. the petite girl fell to the floor in sobs, and yunho witnessed everything in shock.

"pochacco," she sobbed, "don't ever do that again. i thought i lost you."

hwayeon lifted her head to make eye contact with a worried yunho. the look on his face made her chuckle as tears still fell down her face. she knew she looked like a mess, but at this point, she couldn't care; she was reunited with pochacco. thank god she found him.

"d-do you want to stay for a while? i have more food than i need, and you look like you could use something to eat," yunho cracked a boyish smile while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

sniffling, hwayeon replied, "if you wouldn't mind, that would be amazing."

yunho did nothing but smile in return. how could she still look adorable even when she cried?

yunho sat as he watched hwayeon eat her ramen like there was no tomorrow. how long had she gone without eating today?

hwayeon had stayed quiet the whole time she had been eating, discluding the small thanks she mumbled when yunho served her. she still looked tired, making yunho wonder if he should offer his bed to her for the night. but, who was he kidding, she literally lives next door to him. however, he couldn't help it. he found himself wanting to spend time with hwayeon, even if she would be as quiet as she now. her presence made him comfortable.

"uh, if you'd like, you can stay for the night," yunho mumbled as he looked down at his empty bowl. he saw hwayeon stop eating and stare at her ramen in shock. "i mean, you look like you could use the company." smooth.

hwayeon's eyes slowly traveled upward, making eye contact with yunho for the nth time. a red glow slowly made it's way to her cheeks, making her smile at yunho, "i'd like that."

yunho let go of the breathe he didn't know he was holding in. but, he suddenly felt panic arise in his chest when he noticed the frown appear on his neighbor's face. "what's wrong?"

"where am i gonna sleep, though?"

"oh," he chuckled, "you can take my bed. i'll sleep on the couch."

"what?" hwayeon said, a little louder than she intended to, "that's not fair!"

yunho looked at her as if she'd gone mad, "but, it would be rude to let you take the couch."

hwayeon hadn't answered yunho and just stared into his eyes. yunho reciprocated the eye contact, not wanting to look anywhere else but her eyes. "w-what if we shared the bed?"

yunho's heart began to pound rapidly. did he develop a heart condition in .6 seconds? seems like so.

"o-okay. let's do it." 


yoyoyoyo! i'm sorry for such a short update TT. i've kinda been busy with school and nerdy shiz. buuuuuut, i thought i should atleast do a small update for you bubs. omg uwu yunho finna be whipped for hwayeon, HE ALREADY HAS HER AS CUTE RICE CAKE SOBUCBI

귀여운 떡 : cute rice cake

- mel

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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