✐ fifty-eight

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Zaheeda was slumped, yet grateful. She was home and in slight pain, but so happy to give birth to the twins. They were premature so they were run through tests, but everything showed great results.

Z's stress level has shifted to something else and it was about moving. The whole thing wasn't even a discussion anymore in the household. It was a 'that's final' decision, something she didn't really have a say in. But she was planning on saying something tonight.

"Ow baby! Stop!" Jungkook moved his face from Z's toes while she attempted to shove her body parts into his mouth.

"You can't just massage my toes without lickin' em!", she said in between giggles.

"Stoppp", he growled and got off the bed. "When you said you were in the mood for somethin' freaky, I thought you meant we were gonna-"

"Sir!", she put her hand up. "Do you not understand that I just gave birth to two of your bigheaded kids? Give me some time to heal. PS, there's babies in the room."

With a moan and groan, he began his little kiddie tantrum. "I can't wait that longgg. Please, just the tip I promise."

"Ew!" Z pushed his hand off her. "That's what you said last time, then I got pregnant with twins for the second time. Honestly, I think maybe you should get a vasectomy."

Jungkook tapped his chin then shook his head, "Nope! Not my fault I have strong sperm."

"Ugh", after rolling her eyes, she sat up slowly. "Babe, we need to talk."

He did an 'oh boy' expression while making himself comfortable on his pillow. "Spill the tea sis."

"I think it's time you get the snip snap. We can't afford any more kids right now."

"Then take birth control."

"It can fuck me up if we do want more kids eventually in the future. You can always get it reversed, so.."

Kook shook his head. He was so stubborn. "It doesn't always work though. There's guys who have vasectomy's and their girls still got preggo."

"Jungkook. I'm asking you to do this for me." She stared at him with a straight face, but he ignored her eyes and turned to his phone.

"Okay", he muttered, "I'll do it."

"Thank you."

There were two knocks on their door and heavy footsteps. Jaehyun stood by the doorway, itching his jersey with a look of fatigue on his face.

"Those kids are finally asleep", he mumbled.

Z smiled, "Thank you Jae."

Jungkook huffed, "Did you clean the kitchen?"

"You ain't told me to clean the kitchen??"

"Well I'm tellin' you now!"

"Fuck you bro. I'm older than you, you can't tell me what to do."

"Then leave. It's my apartment."

"Fuck you, big headed prick", he turned around and mumbled, "Imma do it now."

"Yeah. That's what I thought."

Z giggled and hit Kook's chest. "Stop being mean to your brother. He already does so much around the house when you're not around."

Jungkook lifted an eyebrow. "Imma need you to rephrase that sentence, cause it didn't come out right."

She kicked him, causing him to almost fly off the bed. "Stop. You know that's not what I meant."

She rolled her eyes at the end of the conversation and stood up. Z walked over to the crib that rested beside their bed.

The newborn twins slept calmly. As much as she wanted to hold them, she risked accidentally waking them.

"Hyeon and Jihyeon."

She turned back after Jungkook said their names. He stood up and walked to the crib as well.

"They're really pale, but I think they're gonna be tan."

Z squinted with pure confusion. "What does that even mean?"

"What I just said." Jungkook reached into the crib, but Z slapped his arm.

"Stoppp. You're gonna wake them up."

"I'm not. They'll be fine", he whispered back. He picked the child which had the 'j' bracelet. "This is Jihyeon."

"I know", Z rolled her eyes.

"You don't, cause you didn't get to see which one was the girl."

"I know it's a girl! Does she have a dick?"

"Relax", he chuckled. "She has a mole under her lip, her right cheek, and on her neck. Like her daddy."

Z crossed her arms. "I can see Jungkook."

He smiled while staring at the beautiful child. "I was holding her while you was changing and I could've sworn she grabbed my finger."

"Maybe she did."

Jungkook could sense that tone. It almost sent him in tears of laughter. "Is Mama Bear jealous?"

"I'm not jealous."

"You're gonna be replaced."

"That's fine."

"I know it hurts."

"It doesn't."

"Aww okay babe." He kissed the infant's head and bounced her lightly. "I love this rivalry for daddy's love."

Z simply laid back down. "I'm not dealing with you being delusional part 500."

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