8. That Awful Moment

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Stiles bit at his thumb nail, a bad habit he had kicked a few years back but had now started back up with a vengeance. He was going to tell his Dad he was pregnant. He knew that no matter how he phrased it his father was going to pop a fuse. He heard the cruiser pull into the driveway and took a deep calming breath that only further fueled his anxiety and did nothing to calm him down. Hid Dad walked through the front door with a huff and tossed his keys onto the small table by the door.

"Dad I have to talk to you." Stiles said quickly before he lost his nerve.

"Can it wait until tomorrow?"

"Yes but I'd rather it didn't." The sheriff let out a huff and walked into the dining room where Stiles was sitting. He took the seat next to his son and waited for him to start talking.

"Dad…what's the worst thing that I could do that would make you hate me?" Stiles asked softly.

"I could never hate you Stiles. Depending on what you did I may be disgusted or may not like you but I could never hate you." Confusion was heavy in the Sheriff's words.

"You didn't answer my question." Stiles said with a sigh.

"As long as you didn't kill anybody; nothing really." The Sheriff gave his son a confused look. "Stiles…what did you do?"

He couldn't help but babble. "Dad I swear to you I didn't do it on purpose, and I know I was stupid to let it happen but don't be mad at me. Please."

"Stiles, what did you do?" The Sheriff asked his voice rising in panic, thinking the worst.

"I'm pregnant." Stiles said in a small barely there voice.

The sheriff let out a rush of air in relief then the words finally sunk in. "You're pregnant!" Stiles gave him a jerky nod; eyes not lifting from the table. "Stiles…what…how could you let this happen!" The Sheriff rose quickly from his seat causing the chair to topple over.

"Dad I'm sorry. Just…please sit down."

"Sit down? Sit down! You want me to sit after my 16 year old son tells me he's pregnant!"

"Dad I-"

"Who's the father?" His Dad asked deceptively calm.

The sudden calmness threw Stiles off. "What?

"Who's the other father?"

"Dad, I don't-"

"Who is he?!" Anger was creeping back into his voice.

"I can't tell you." He said softly.


"It's…it's complicated."

That was all the information the Sheriff needed. He stormed out of the kitchen and straight towards the front door, closely followed by his panicking son.

"Dad. Dad! Where are you going?"

"I'm going to kill Derek Hale!" The Sheriff snapped halfway to the cruiser.

"What? Why?" Stiles tried to play dumb.

"I'm not stupid Stiles!" He snapped. "I know it was him!"

"Dad…please…just-just stay here." Stiles begged.

"I'll be back in a few hours." The door was quickly slammed in his face as his Dad left. Stiles let out a sob he didn't even know he was holding in. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

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