Chapter 66

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Fast forward a year...


I was woken up by my alarm clock, it was 6 am and I needed to get ready to take the girls to their annual check up. They are now 2 years old and I couldn't be happier. Declan and Jack both have doctor's appointments today too, Declan is now 10 years old and in his first year of middle school and Jack is now 9 years old and in his last year of elementary school. Aaron is now living in our house permanently and our 4 kids keep us really busy. The kids love each other and they enjoy living together, they have fights like any other siblings but they always resolve their differences.

- Good morning beautiful...

- Good morning handsome... - I said while kissing him

- You ready for today?

- Yeah, you're coming to the doctor's right?

- Yeah we are driving all together, I told my boss I would be in late.

- Okay well I should call my boss and let him know.

- I'm sure he will be fine with it - said Aaron smiling

- Yeah, I'm sure he will !! - I said full on laughing

We both got out of bed, woke the kids up, took a shower, then I went and showered the girls while Aaron fixes breakfast and then we all went downstairs to eat. When we are all done, Aaron does the dishes while I go and help all the kids to finish getting ready and take everything they need for school. I run to my room to finish my make up and hair and out the door we got. Twenty minutes later we are at the doctor's and we all walk in, since we all need to get back to work and school we chose the earliest appointments, so the boys and the girls have appointments at the same time. Aaron goes with the boys to see Dr. Karev and I go with the girls to see Dr. Robbins. 

- Hello Dr. Robbins

- Oh hey Emily, how are you? And how are this cuties doing?

- We are really good, right girls?

- Yes Mommy - they both said in unison

- Okay well let's check you out

- Okay - they both said while smiling

Mila was a little scared, I could see it in her eyes; however Maddie is not afraid of anything, she is very calm right now. Dr. Robbins checks them, weights them and measure them, since now they are walking they just can't stay still. Dr Robbins tells me everything looks good with the girls but they need new vaccines, so I told her that we definitely should get on that and she calls in a nurse to help with Maddie while I hold Mila because she is super scared of shots, any kid is but Mila is like she almost gets a panic attack. Dr. Robbins comes to where Mila is and she gets the first shot, I have to almost restrain her because she is fighting to get out of there. Maddie on the other side cries when the nurse puts the shot in, but she is not fighting so then I walked to where she is and I rock her for a few seconds until she calms down, so I carry Mila too, who is still crying, and I rock them both while I see Maddie holding Mila's hand. It amazes me everyday how close and connected they are, and even though they are very different, that's what makes them unite, they are always there for each other since they were born.

- Okay all done, you are all ready to go - said Dr. Robbins

- Thank you Dr. Robbins, girls what do you say?

- Thank you!! - they both said

- You are very welcome girls, I'll see you in 6 months unless you need anything.

- Okay see you in 6 months Dr. Robbins!

I walked out of the room holding Maddie's hand and carrying Mila, who is still a little upset. We walk to where the boys are waiting for us.

- How did everything go? - I ask the boys, that are both eating a lollypop

- It went great mom! - Said Declan

- Yeah, I'm almost as tall as Declan!! - Jack said

- That's great boys! What did Dr. Karev say?

- He said everything is normal, they both had shots and they were very brave so that's why they got a lollypop. - said Aaron

- Okay that's great, we had shots too, but that didn't go so well.

- Aww my poor little girls - Aaron said and held Mila, while a carried Maddie so she didn't feel left out

We started walking out to our car, buckle every kid in and started driving to Jack's school first, drop him off and then dropped Declan off at his school. Then Aaron drove to work where we signed the girls in daycare and then we both headed to the office.

- Good morning bosses!! - said Penelope

- Hey Penn!!

- Good morning Garcia - said Aaron

- Guys the team is waiting for you because we have a case. - said Penelope while we were all walking to the conference room

- Good morning everyone - Aaron and I said when we walked in the room, we both took a sit and Penelope briefed us on the case.

- Okay crime fighters you are all heading to New York City, on a really sketchy case. There has been a series of murders by a man in a black hoodie, shooting one person in very public places.

She turns to face the TV in the conference room and presents the footage of one of the recent murders. One tourist is left behind alone in a subway stop and the unsub approached him from behind, shoots him in the head and leaves with his head down at all times avoiding the cameras.

- How many victims do we have?

- There are 3 in total, they are killing every 2 days so we have about 36 hours before the next murder. - stated Hotch

- This is a very strange M.O, there is no sexual component or any torture involve, it's basically...random. - said Reid

- And that's the biggest problem we are dealing with right now, because it could be anyone at any place. - said Rossi

- Okay we will discuss the rest of the profile on the plane, we are meeting Agent Joyner when we get there, Wheel's up in 30! - said Hotch

We all got up and headed our separates ways to grab our go bags and head to the Jet.

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