Chapter 36

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And we just laugh, it was a cute little moment that we didn't know it would mean so much in the future...

We arrived at Panera and waited to be seated. A young lady came to us and said:

- Hi! Welcome to Panera. How many?

- 4? - Said Aaron in a kinda questioning-confused tone.

- Sure! Follow me.

So we did, we followed our waiter until she took as to a booth which was kinda isolated so the babies wouldn't be disturbed by the noice.

- Would you like anything to drink?

- Sure, I'll have a green tea and can I have a water too, please?

- Sure, and what would you like sir?

- I'll have a coke please.

With that she left and I turned my face to the girls that were fast asleep.

- I can't believe how much they sleep during the day and at night they just want to be awake.

I said while laughing.

- Yeah when Hayley and I had Jack it was the same way, but we had each other to take turns.

- Yeah that's true, but I'm fine, I just try to sleep when they sleep.

- And how are you going to do it now that you are working again?

- Well I'll just have to deal with it, there are lots of single moms out there.

- True, but not all of them are FBI unit chiefs travelling for long weeks and not sleeping for days.

I took a deep breath and said:

- You're right, but I'll figure something out. Chloe and Garcia said that they will look after the girls and Declan while I'm gone, so at least I got that.

- Well Em if you ever need to stay please let me know.

- Thanks Aaron.

He had ordered something for both of us before we started talking about the girls, so the waitress brought it to us and we paid and left.

- Em?

- Hum?

We were walking towards the BAU and I was enjoying every step because I could feel the breeze blowing in my face and it made me feel relaxed and fresh.

- Are you sure you don't need any help with the girls? I can help you out if you need.

- Thank Aaron, I'll keep that in mind.

I said while we reached the building. We went up to the daycare to drop of the girls and then we went and finish the paperwork.

- Bye Aaron, I'll see you tomorrow!

- Bye Em, call me if you need anything.

- I will, thanks.

He nodded and I walked out of the office to pick up the girls and drove to Declan's school to see how his day went. When we were at lunch I texted him and he said that the day was going good, so I'm not that worried anymore.

I arrived at Declan'sschool and picked him up.

- Hey honey, how was your day?

- It was really good mom! My friends were really nice to me and we played a lot. It was like nothing changed!!

He was so excited telling me about what he did, what he learned, it was like nothing changed...

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