Chapter 52

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I woke up the next morning by the doctor tapping me on the shoulder.

- Emily I'm sorry to wake you, but I need to run some last tests before letting you go.

- Okay that's fine.

I said while she told a nurse to give her a full review on my status and then took a blood sample for testing. Aaron woke up in the middle of all of this and was holding my hand  the whole time.

- Would you like some breakfast agents? - asked the nurse

- Yes please - said Aaron


A couple of hours passed and Emily and Aaron were finally able to leave the hospital. The team went to pick them up and informed them that the unsub was in jail and sentenced to death penalty, so they'll never need to worry about him again. Emily and Aaron were still pretty beat up from the accident, they had bruises and cuts everywhere, so they just wanted to go home and see their kids. Emily was missing hers the most, this was the longest time she has been away from the girls and Declan. Aaron wanted to get home to Jack so they left Emily at her house first and then Aaron. The rest of the team headed their different ways after to enjoy the weekend before returning to work on Monday.


When I got home, Chloe, the babysitter, greeted me at the door and then Declan came running down the stair yelling:

- Mommy!!! I've missed you soooooo much!!! I'm so happy you are back!

He said while giving me a big hug.

- I've missed you too my baby boy!!!

I said while kneeling down to his level and giving him a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

- Mommy my sisters have missed you too!!

- Really? And were you really helpful around here with them?

- Of course mommy, every day I showed them pictures of you to let them remember.

- Aren't you the best big brother, how did I get so lucky with a son like you?

I said while hugging him again

- I don't know mommy.

He said while shrugging his shoulders. I just smiled and got up to go see my baby girls.

I got to their room and they were both awake standing in the crib waiting for me.

- Mama! Mama!

They said while lifting their little arm and moving their little fingers towards me so I can carry them.

- Hey baby girls, how are you?

I said while carrying my two little girls. They wrapped their arms around my neck and layed their head on my chest. I felt such joy to be back home with my kids and enjoying this little moments to the max. I went downstairs and paid Chloe:

- Thanks Chloe for taking care of them. I really appreciate it.

- Don't worry Miss Emily, I love taking care of them, they are the sweetest little kids.

- Thank you!

- Bye Miss Emily!

- Bye Chloe.

When Chloe left I headed upstairs with Declan and the girls to watch a movie in my bed until we all fell asleep together.


I got dropped off at my house and as soon as I opened the door Jessica and Jack were waiting for me.

- Daddy!!!

Screamed Jack while running towards me. I kneeled down and opened my arm to give him the biggest hug; I've missed this child so much.

- Hey buddy, have you missed me?

- Of course daddy, I've missed you soooooo much. I have so many thing to tell you and show you...but what happened to you?

- Oh buddy, this is nothing don't worry, I'll be wearing this boot for a little while but I'm fine, so keep telling me about this past few weeks.

He kept on talking while holding my hand and taking me to his room, I thanked Jessica for taking care of Jack and she headed home to her family. Jack and I spent the day in his room because he wanted to show me his stuff he did for school and he told me all about the past few weeks. I'm so happy and glad to be home, I've missed this and I can't wait for Emily and I to raise our kids together.

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