Chapter 37

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Wednesday morning, 5:30 am...

I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock pounding next to my head. "Ugh" I thought to myself. I didn't get much sleep because the girls and my nightmares keep me awake all night. I turned my alarm clock off and got out of bed, I took a shower, got dressed in my usual business casual look, then I went to Declan's room and woke him up. While he was taking a shower I made some toast and fruit for Declan and some fruit and yogurt for me. He came downstairs and sat by the kitchen counter waiting for his food.

- Morning mom!

- Good morning honey, how did you sleep?

- I slept really good.

I smiled at him and he said:

- Mommy how was work yesterday? Did you go?

- Yes honey, as I promised I went to work, but the team was still on vacation so I just helped uncle Hotch with his paperwork.

- Oh okay, was it good?

- Yes honey, it was good.

Then we finished eating our breakfast and Declan went to finish getting ready while I did the dishes and finished getting ready myself and the girlsI covered the girls in blankets and put each them in the car seats. Then Declan called for me saying that he was ready to leave, so I went to my room grabbed my keys, badge and gun, then walked out to get the baby bags and the car seats.

- Declan I'm ready! Do you have your backpack, lunch box and coat?

I said I little loud because I was standing on the stairs.

- Yes mommy!

- Okay let's go!

I walked down, set the alarm and left the house. We got in the car with the girls still asleep and I drove to Declan's school.

- Bye honey, have a nice day, I love you!

- Bye mommy, love you too!

And he ran off to see his friends that were waving at him. He seemed happier than ever and I was happy too. I drove to the BAU, parked my car and went up the elevator to leave the girls in daycare.

- Good morning agent Prentiss!

- Good morning Marissa!

Marissa was the girls caretaker here in the daycare.

- I'm going to feed the girls and then I'll leave.

- Take your time, don't worry.

So I went inside a small nursery and fed the girls, kissed them goodbye and left to work.

- Take good care of them Marissa, if we don't have a case I'll come by to feed them, if we do have one I'll let you know.

- Okay Agent Prentiss, don't worry about them, they are in good hands.

I kissed the girls again and left. Everytime I leave them I feel heartbroken. Will it ever go away? I should ask JJ so I can have some motherly advice. I walked in the bullpen and I found everyone sitting at their desks talking or grabbing some coffee, it was like we never left, it felt good to be back.

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