Chap 8

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I wake up being shaken by Christina.

"How are you?"

"Fine, I guess. I'm gonna go get some breakfast."

"Ok. hey, how bout after we go shopping? you know, have a girls day." she offers.

"Um, sure I guess. I'll meet you here at 12."

"K. c ya then."


As I'm walking to the cafeteria I think about Tobias. how could he? I thought he loved me. thought. I guess u can't really trust someone, even if you love them. I guess I was to busy thinking that I didn't know where I was going, I just kept walking. eventually I end up at the chasm, Tobias and my spot. a tear falls down my cheek. No. Stupid. I tris prior am NOT crying over a stupid guy.

I decide I am hungry and need some breakfast, it's 10. When I arrive at the cafeteria everyone turns to me. And I mean everyone. Sad eyes, evil eyes, kind eyes, happy eyes. Everyone has a different emotion. About what?

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn my head to be greeted by uriah.

"Hey, what's everyone staring at?" I ask.

"You. Everyone heard that Four cheated." my face falls. oh. Pity, great.

"Well, they need to stop staring, I'm fine. Four is probably fine. Probably less than me. I'm happy I don't have to worry about guys anymore. They're a waste of my time and I'm a waste of theirs."

"Ya, well now that I know your fine, do u want to go play capture the flag tonight?"

"Um,sure can Chris come?"

"Ya, see ya at 7."

"K bi! wait don't u train initiates?"

Oh! shoot! I totally forgot. oops. good Four deserves training them by himself.

I decide I want to go and stand up Four. I walk to the training room to see Four teaching them how to fight. When I open the door it's loud so you can hear the creak. Everyone looks back at me, even Four.

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