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Friday, 2nd November 1956 || Tuesday, 3rd September 1940 

I woke up to the sudden feeling of cold. I opened my eyes and the room seemed colder than usual. I stepped out of the bed and changed. I had worn my dress for too long and it needed a wash. I chose my white dress with light green stripes. It was made out of light crêpe material and had beautiful red tortoise-shell buttons. The collar was white and had lace detailing at the ends. The dress had huge pockets and you could tie it on the back. By the collar were embroidered two cherries, one on each side. I put on white socks and my low black shoes that had straps on ankles. I just combed my hair and left it down.

I opened the door to my room and stepped out. I almost screamed when I found Enoch sitting behind my door sleeping as he was guarding me. A smile appeared on my face. This meant so much to me because it showed that he cared. I kneeled down and shook his shoulders. His eyes flickered opened and suddenly all I could see were the most beautiful brown eyes. The sun shined on them which added them some gold. I could've drown in them.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I asked the boy. He just nodded, his eyes gazing into mine and flickering onto my lips every now and then. This beautiful moment was interrupted by small children's squeals filled with happiness to see me. Enoch quickly stood up and handed me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up. 

As I got up both of my hands were quickly filled with smaller children. I tried to walk down the stairs with three children on my one hand and two on other and be on time to the breakfast. I looked back and saw Enoch leaning on the handrail smirking at me. I turned around and made the vainest face I could but I tripped. The whole group of peculiars fell down the stairs and everybody started laughing, even Enoch.

Miss Peregrine walked out of the dining room to see where noise came from, but it was just us so she called us in and we ate the breakfast trying very hard not to start laughing again.

After the breakfast Miss Peregrine informed everyone that we will go on a walk, so everybody had to be ready. I ran up to my room and took my parasol. It was my mother's. She had worn it on her wedding day. It was beautiful creme white shade lace covering the parasol.

When I got back down stairs everybody was already there and we left. We walked on the road that leaded to the village. At first I was walking alone but suddenly Victor caught up with me and started a conversation."Is everything alright, I didn't see you yesterday," he asked me. "I just wasn't feeling well, you know how it is," I gave him half-true answer.  We walked and talked about things for a while. Then Enoch walked between us and started a conversation with me, almost as he wanted to make sure I didn't talk to Victor. Nonsense, I thought to myself, Enoch could never fancy somebody like me.

When we reached the cliff everybody stopped and Miss Peregrine opened the basket she was carrying. It was filled with food. It didn't feel like much time was passed since the breakfast but when I looked at my watch, it was almost time for lunch. I walked to Miss Peregrine and took a sandwich wrapped in paper. The papers covering younger children's sandwiches had pictures on them but mine was plain. 

I walked around trying to find the perfect place to eat. Little bit away from everybody was a big old tree. It's branches were over the cliff's edge. I put my sandwich in my pocket and started climbing. When I reached the steadiest branch I sat down and opened my sandwich.

Suddenly a voice interrupted my lunch: "You know that somebody could peek under your dress, when you sit there." I wrapped my dress around my legs and looked down, surprise, surprise it was Enoch. I ignored him and continued eating. After few minutes I heard leaves rustling and Enoch's dark locks appeared. When he sat next to me I decided to ignore him.

"Please Dorothea, talk to me," he finally begged. "Fine," I agreed because it was getting quite boring with my thoughts. A genius revenge came to me and I struck Enoch gently by head. "What was that for?" he asked me rubbing his head. I didn't answer and kept eating.

When it was time for going back, the sun was starting to go down. We walking home when I saw a couple of aircrafts go by. Nobody seemed to really care, but I saw Miss Peregrine talking to what seemed to be Millard. Miss Peregrine leaded us away from the road and anxiety became growing in me. We reached some trees and Miss Peregrine put a picnic blanket down. I was surprised that nobody seemed to be scared or panic, I was the only one. For them it was like fire works. 

A bomb exploded in distance. I sat down next to Enoch, hoping not to die. After some time everybody started quietly humming some old nursery rhime, even Enoch and I must say that he should sing with his voice more often. As the bombing went louder, children started singing louder and I could separate the words from melody:

On the farm, ev'ry Friday
On the farm, it's rabbit pie day
So ev'ry Friday that ever comes along
I get up early and sing this little songRun rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
Bang, bang, bang, bang goes the farmer's gun
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run, runRun rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
Don't give the farmer his fun, fun, fun
He'll get by without his rabbit pie
So run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, runRun rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
Bang, bang, bang, bang goes the farmer's gun
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run, runRun rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
Don't give the farmer his fun, fun, fun
He'll get by without his rabbit pie
So run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run. 

When I heard a bomb go off not so far from us, I closed my eyes hoping to be alright. When I sat there with closed eyes I felt a warm hand on my back and I felt immediately safer. When the song ended I opened my eyes and saw that everything seemed to be stopped. I saw a bomb floating in the air, but I couldn't  admire it longer because suddenly everything went backwards, the bomb was almost like sucked in the plane where it came from and when I turned around sun was coming out of the sea. Within couple of minutes everything had re-set and it was night again. Miss Peregrine folded the blanket and we walked back to the house. On the way back Enoch explained what had happened.

When we reached the house I went up to my room and sat down on my bed reading. It was "Pride and prejudice" by Jane Austen. One of the most genius books of all time. Hours went by and everything went quiet. Suddenly a knock was on my door.

I opened it and saw Enoch standing there, fully in clothes. I thanked god in my mind that I hadn't changed yet. "yes, how can I help you," I asked him while yawning. "Come with me," was the only thing he said. I couldn't resist so I put my shoes on and followed him. We went down the stairs and outside.

It was clear night. Stars were in the sky and full moon was shining down on us. He leaded me on a cliff.  thought that this is where he wanted to bring me but I was wrong. A small path went down the cliff on the small closed beach. Behind us in the cliff was a small cave but we were sitting on the sand side by side. 

"It's beautiful here," I said looking at him. He looked deep into my eyes and said: "Not as beautiful as you." We watched in each others eyes  not knowing that the distance between our faces grew smaller and finally our faces were just couple of inches from each other. I looked into his brown eyes that were glistening and he pushed his lips on mine. The kiss wasn't rough, like I had thought. It was soft and caring. After about ten seconds we pull away. He took my hand and helped me up.

We started walking back my hand in his. We hadn't exchanged any words, but we didn't need to. We walked back in silence but it wasn't awkward, it was the opposite, the one you would want to spend eternity in.

When we reached the house everything seems quiet and dark. Enoch walked me back to my room and before he left I hugged him and said: "Thank you!" I closed the door and fell on the bed with my clothes on. Then I fell deep in slumber.

A/N: Omg guys we have almost 600 reads, I love you all so bloody much. I hope you liked this chapter and can you please tell me, if I should attach pictures of clothes, Not in the story and moodboards, but real fashion pictures from 40s. Love you all so much!


EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT // ENOCH O'CONNORWhere stories live. Discover now