The three siblings sat on the sofas, chatting among themselves when Manorama Raizada made an appearence, "Hello Hi Bye Bye, Bhat ij Happening here?? (What is happening here??)

"Nani, Nothing Nani, We were just talking about our college in general." Arnav told her

"Yes Dadi, There's an upcoming Fashion Show for the Fresher's week of Designs Department of IFFA, We were talking about that" Pragya informed sweetly.

"You're saying as if I'm going to understand everything word-to-word." She laughed

Anjali entered the room, Supporting a tray of beverages, Arnav got up from the couch and reached his mother in three long strides. "I'll take that" He held his hands out to hold the tray

"I can.."

"I'm aware, I don't want you to. Sit and Relax, You and Payal mami are always working like machines. that reminds me, Where's mami?" Arnav asked

"I'm right here" Payal answered from behind Anjali, She was carrying another tray having plates of Snacks for the Whole Family. He quickly glaced  back at his cousins, Who stood up and took the plates from Payal.

"You sit Mami, We can help ourselves from hereon" Arnav said softly causing a smile to bloom on Anjali and Payal's face.

"Thank you Arnie." Payal ruffled his hair, He whined making a sulking face.

"Mami.. Not my hair yaar!!" He exclaimed.

"Sorry Junior, Your hair are my favorite, I'm not going to stop doing that however much you whine!!" Payal said giggling.

"Fine." He gave in sulkingly

The two ladies sat on the couch with their tea-cups in their hands, Munching on the evening snacks.

"Finally, NK Bhai and Lavanya are moving back permanently with the kids" Anjali said cheerfully.

Payal nodded. "Everything changed so suddenly, Nk and Lavanya two people who hadn't even known each-other properly are now happily married."

"You're right Payal, It came to us as a pleasant surprise when those two announced their engagement." Anjali recollected.

"Do you remember how Nervous Lavanya was, I mean the poor soul looked so scared of Dadiji's reaction." Payal chuckled remembering Lavanya's face from that day

"I know right, But Nani had been too harsh on Lavanya in the initial days with chotte, So it was understandable." Anjali supported Lavanya

"I'd agree with you on that. But that was because Dadiji had probably chosen her chotte's bride already." Payal winked at her.

"That is not a possiblity. It's the universal truth!!" Anjali said.

"But of course, La was fated to be our Sister-in-law" Payal said softly

"I don't know how those two even fell for each-other. NK mamu is a perfect antique piece and Mami.. Mami is a control freak. I bet she has a panic attack every single day at least once witnessing his crazy side." Arnav said

"Love overlooks all these things Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. Even your idol Fell in love with a crazy woman!!" Anjali reminded him

"Right. But then how did Nk chachu and chachi meet?" Alok asked

"Lavanya was working with AR london branch, Nk was there for a photoshoot for AR. apparently Lavanya was supervising that particular shoot and they met at the London branch AR, Later they saw each-other fairly often for an year or so." Anjali told them

"Nk was very  attached to Arnav as well as Khushi, and Lavanya was Khushi's best friend. They found solace in each-other after the happenings of.. Nk was here when Khushi died... After that, Arnav-ji was the only one, who could hold the family together after Khushi's death. But he himself was shattered beyond words." Payal whispered softly, A tear rolled down her cheek.

"It's Okay Mumma/Mami/bua" The trio hugged the two women tightly

Anjali shook her head, "Let's not remeber the bad things now. Lavanya and Nk bhai along with the kids are coming tomorrow, we have to make arrangements." She said

Payal nodded, "Poori? You'll have to accompany me, Jane is going to stay with you for a few days before her room is ready so you need to clear up a little space in your room for her." Payal said.

"I'm not sharing my room with Aron." Arnav made it clear to his mother before Anjali could even stat convincing him.

"But Aru, It's just a matter of a week." Anjali insisted.

"I am not, sharing my room with anyone. I have my internship project to prepare. even Aloo and Poori aren't allowed to enter my room at random. I'm not sharing my room!!" Arnav said with finality

"You're applying for internship?"

"His interview with AR is scheduled for Saturday." Aman said entering from the front door "What's the hurry lad?"

"Yeah, AR does campus placements for interns towards the end of the academic year." Anjali said

"All three of us are active in the college fests and that's earned us many extra credits from IFFA. the proper internship will of course start after the Final Semester, But we're free on the last three weekdays. I thought I could use that time in securing an internship with my dream company." Arnav shrugged

"I'm not saying that it's a bad idea, But isn't it too early?" Anjali asked

"I don't think so.The final semester already has only practical exams, We can complete our designs in the office itself or after completing our internship which is only four hours. We still have the rest of the day all to ourselves." Arnav reasoned

"Actually, Anji He's right!!" Aman supported his son

"But papa, How did you gather that the applicant was me, I haven't mentioned my last name have I?" Arnav asked curiously

"Baap hoon tera, ASR ka right hand man tha mein. Of course I'll get to know. (I'm your father, I was the right had man to ASR.)"  Aman smirked

"Papa, Do you know everything about ASR's life?" Arnav asked

"Most of them, But of course he has had his privacy and I respected that. Although I knew 90% of the happenings of his life." Aman said

"Right hand man"

"More than that" Aman smiled

suryakavi0912 Here's the update you had so sweetly demanded. I'm hoping that you'll like it.

Let me know what you think of this update??

I know that many of you want to see Khushi entering the frame. But my personal ASR aka my partner in crime needs time to bring her in here and thus the delay. Her entry will be a bang I must assure you!

So stay tuned for the KKG's entry.

Random question- Who all loved K3G

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