Kidnapped Part 2 - Steve Mcgarrett

Start from the beginning

"Are you serious!?" I screamed.
"After all she put you through and you want to see what she has to say!?"  I said louder.
Steve gets startled by my yelling but Commander McGarrett does what he wants.

"I'm sorry Brit I just need to hear what she has to say." As he walks out the door to go speak to Catherine.

Tears streaming down my face I go to the top of the stairs to hear their conversation.

"Catherine.." Steve says softly
"Steve.. I missed you." She said.  I peeked down a little and see them embrace.  I see her kiss his cheek.
Okay Brit.  It's only a kiss on the cheek lets not freak out yet.
"I miss you too Cath.  I missed you so much." Steve said.

My heart shattered.  Do I be a crazy girlfriend and go down there or do I just sit here and see what else is going to happen..

I didn't mean to say that I really missed her.  But I guess I did.  I still want Brit.  I only need her but then Catherine comes back into my life again and I can't help to always run back to her.

"Steve, I need you." Catherine said as she grabs my face to kiss me.
I'm in shock.  I'm stuck.  I just let her kiss me.  Then I accidentally kiss back until I realize what I'm doing.

I see them kiss. 
I loved him..

I still love him.

I try to be quiet even though tears are running down my face like a river.
I called the only person who I have besides Steve.

"Hey Kiddo, whats up?" The voice answered.
"Danny I need you." I cried into the phone.
"What's wrong?  Are you hurt?  Where's Steve?"  He asked frantically.
I managed to say in my choked up voice "he's to busy making out with Catherine right now.  I don't want to be here.  Can I stay with you for a little bit?"  I asked.
"Of course Brit.  Stay with me all you need.  I'm on my way I'll see you in 5."  He said as I head him stepping on the gas to his Camaro.
Thank God I only have clothes here I thought to myself.
I grabbed my military bag from the Marines and stuffed whatever clothes I had of mine in his room.

Just like a teenager I jumped out the bedroom window waiting for Danny to pull up.

"Catherine NO!" I said pushing her off lightly.
"I love Brit.  I can't do this." I said
"Wow, you really do love her."  She said softly smiling. 
"I'm sorry I couldn't give you want you wanted" and that she walked away.

"BABE!"  I yell running up the stairs. 
"I LOVE YOU SO-" I stopped in my tracks when I notice she's not in the room.  Britney's not here. 
I checked the bathroom.  Empty.  But the bedroom window is open and I know that was closed.
She must've saw the kiss.  She over heard.  No no no she didn't hear that I wanted her and not Catherine.
I panic but not for long. 
I know exactly where she went.

I'm sitting in Danny's living room on his couch.  He's hugging me and I'm just crying into his shirt.
He's soothing me.
When we were kids Danny was the only person who knew how to calm me down.  He always treated me right.  We just never had any attraction towards each other.  Trust me, he is handsome.  But we are too much like siblings to even think of us in a relationship.
"Kiddo, tell me what happened." He said softly into my hair kissing my head trying to calm me.
"Catherine came over, after Steve asked if I wanted to move in with him.  He went down to talk to her and when I went to look I saw them making out and he said that he missed her much"  I said in one breathe.
"Oh wow.. I'm gonna kill him." He angrily said through his teeth.

"Danny.. no- *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*


I sat on the couch.  Not moving while Danny walked up to the door.

"She doesn't want to see you right now Mcgarrett" Danny said pissed off.

"Danny, I need her." He pleaded
"You should've thought about that before you made out with Catherine" he spat back with his sassy tone.
"Danny, she's the love of my life. I want her to be with me for the rest of my life. I know you know that." He whispered the last part softly.

I didn't hear anything after that until I looked up and I see Steve staring down at me. He kneeled to my level never keeping his eyes off mine.

"Baby girl, I only need you in my life. We've been through so much already. I don't want anyone else. You're the only person who I see in my future."

"Oh gee thanks I guess you don't need me then" Danny says in his pouty voice and walks upstairs.

I just do a small smile and look at Steve.
"I love you too. You really hurt me though.." I frowned looking down playing with my hands.

"I'll make it up to you."

"Prove it." I said sternly.

Steve smirked and crashed his lips into mine.
"Oh just wait and see Princess for what's in store for you."


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