Chapter 4- meeting the bats

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The team just stared didn't know what to say until Aqualad step forward "Sir, My Name is Aqualad but you may call me Kaldur I am the leader of the Young Justice team." "It's a pleasure I am Bruce Wayne I appreciate the help for protecting my sons in this time of need." and on que kid flash stepped in "kid Flash at your service Mr Bruce Wayne but you can Call me Wally west" he does this cliche royal bow and the three boys just chuckle, as Wally stood back he shoved Artemis which earned him a I'm soo gonna kill you glare and it gave shivers down his back as she hesitated "Artemis." she said plainly, M'gann floated up towards the boys with joy in her eyes "Hi I'm miss Martian but please call me M'gann it's an honour to meet you.!!!" She jumps and the two younger boys stepped back with a strange face of either like a awkward face or fear.

Then everyone stared at the end of the room at Superboy who has his hands crossed and a stern look as always. Everyone stares at him.  He looked at everyone with the same look on his face and grunted "This is super boy he doesn't talk much he's shy." Wally cut in trying to avoid the silence only to get a growl from super boy and Wally stood back behind Kaldur for protection.

Artemis p.o.v
This is a waste of time and something Is off about this why would the bat want us to look out for the boys if he's finding the criminal it involves The League of Assassins, what are they up too now, I'm having a bad feeling about this if they do lay a hand on them they will be done.

Back to normal POV
"Ok now let me introduce ourselves" the eldest boy next to Bruce replied all eyes were on him the teen has gelled back jet black hair and ocean blue eyes and had a skinny but built figure wearing a white tank top and black tights. He gave a genuine smile and spoke, "Hi My Name is Richard Grayson, I'm the Oldest-.." "And the most annoying" the second boy cut in and both younger boys snickered Richard gave them a glare to make them shiver back "- anyway it's a pleasure to meet you" he replied and then shoved the boy next to him and the boy growled "The names Jason" the boy looked no older then thirteen had messed up hair with a white streak in the middle of it with ocean eyes like his brother though he looked a bit more built than his brother he wore a black t- shirt with a red scull and ripped jeans with a annoyed look on his face. "Jason be nice to our guest" Bruce replied roughly as he looked at his second eldest "It's nice to meet you - I guess-." He murmured as he looked the other way.

Then the youngest out of the three hid behind Richards leg, "You want to introduce your self little bird" Richard whispered, the boy shook his head "it's ok they won't bite, "o-okay" he whispered and came out from Richards leg, he looked about 12 or eleven years old was wearing an oversized Batman hoodie with a pair of tights, his hair was gelled a bit to the side and had crystal blue eyes , he was fidgeting his hands with the hoodie and looked up slightly "H-hi My n-name is Tim but you can call me Timmy if you want" the boy stuttered  and blushed and ran back to dick hiding behind him. Megan squealed at the cuteness and was pulled back by Superboy from trying to hug him which scared Tim even more.

"Now that that's sort-.." "Aren't you forgetting something" Dick cut Bruce off Rudely and made a glance to the man in front of him,. "-Yes well Batman informed you I'm some unofficial information rest assured my boys will fill you in, but I need to leave for a press conference in Arabia to fix the security so no one else can break in." "Sir is that dangerous with this enemy around do you want one of us to come with you." Kaldur requested quickly worried for their mission and Mr Wayne's safety. Bruce gave a reassuring glance "I assure you I'll be fine it the boys you should be worried about..."

Dicks p.o.v
"Now that that's sort-" aren't you forgetting something I interrupted, I was annoyed he didn't mention the most important thing. Bruce kept glaring at me like telling me to shut up but I won't back down. Bruce smiled at the confused team of teens from my interruption, "- yes well Batman informed you of unofficial information, rest assured my boys will fill you in, but I need to leave for a press conference in Arabia to fix the security so no one else can break in." Are you serious, seems he won't back down either I can't believe he's doing this he is just acting like an idiot! "Sir is that dangerous with this enemy around do you want us to come with you." I heard Kaldur requested which broke me out of my thoughts, Bruce gave a reassuring glance "I assure you I'll be fine it's the boys you should be worried about-." "Are you sure it's safe?" Tim ask worried, he always worries for Bruce, I get it what he does is dangerous what we all do is dangerous but he just doesn't get what Lil'd needs right now.

I looked up at Bruce and he gave a smile and ruffled his hair which Timmy giggled and I smiled "don't worry I'll be fine I'm just a phone call away, just watch Your brothers ok." Tim nodded, "well I'll have to go thank you for doing this I am greatfull" he smiled but that soon turned into a dark glare that made everyone shiver "But if anything happens to my boys I will deal with you personally and there will be no more tech for any training or battle armor..... understand" he glared and the team (minus Connor) faded a bit in the background and nodded quickly, "Good. Well I'll be off I'll talk to you boys later, don't kill each other ." Bruce said as he walked out the door but before he closed it he made a sign only I can translate saying we'll talk later and I just nodded quickly before anyone noticed.


Hey so sorry It took so long I'm in Europe right now and it's given me ideas for my bat brothers one shots that I'll be making after this story but please comment bellow about how u think the story's going so far!! I hope you enjoy!☠️🤘🏻🐾🖤

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