Ch 2: Meeting her

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'Is this it? Do I just... wander around? Do I search for a new pack or-' I cut myself off when I sniffed the air. What was that smell? It was absolutely...delicious!

I started walking to the source of the fragrance, not thinking twice. My wolf was as excited as I was, I could feel him hopping around and chanting something I didn't understand.

The scent became stronger and stronger so I became faster and faster. My wolf was going crazy chanting even faster now.

I could finally make out what the scent was made of! Roses, chocolate, cherries, and... sweat? Altogether though, it made an intoxicating smell.

I was so close, when suddenly, a deep growl came from behind me. I turned to see a sandy colored wolf running towards me.

Two other wolves popped out from the leaves in front of me, and I swore my heart exploded in fear.

I was surrounded.

The wolves leapt and clawed me, but I managed to dodge most of them. Once they had me backed up, the sandy one charged at me. I swiped at his head, but he ducked and lunged at my leg bringing me down. The others joined in now and held me down. The sandy one shifted back.

"We won't kill him...yet. We'll wait for alpha," he said. Alpha? Then It hit me, I was on another packs territory!

Suddenly I couldn't breathe. So this is it? This is how I'm gonna die? My mind was racing with thoughts, but one stood out. 'What about my mate?'

My vision blurred, and my breath was uneven. The scent was stronger that before now. A shadow stepped out of the shadows.

"What?" the most beautiful voice growled. The wolves shifter and kneeled.

"Alpha," they welcomed "we found this rouge on our territory." but the figure wasn't even paying attention. It kneeled beside me.

"Shift." She commanded. I complied. "Look at me." when I didn't she commanded me again "Look. At ME."

When I looked up, I swear my heart stopped. There kneeling before me, was a goddess. A true goddess.

As our eyes locked she whispered one thing.


And then darkness over came me.




As I opened my eyes, I was met with an unfamiliar ceiling. It was crisp and white, while mine was old and dirty.

Something shifted from under me. I froze in panic, pillows can't move, can they? I slowly looked up to reveal the goddess from the other day.

I studied her face, her hands, just... her. I shifted my head on her before a thought hit me.

I was laying on her chest!

Oh god. Oh god, oh god. Think of something else, trees, puppies, grandmas!

I quickly moved my body off hers and tried to get up, when two slim arms pulled me down and straddled me.

"Where do you think your going, little mate?"

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