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She walked into the school wearing an orange and pink striped dress with a pocket on the front. There was a small cat stuffed animal in the pocket. She had pink glasses on and her bright red hair in a ponytail. She walked into her classroom and said goodbye to her mommy. 

She sat down on the rug, "criss-cross applesauce," the teacher, Miss Kufel, said. One boy was screaming and crying. He picked up a chair and threw it. It whizzed past her head and she started to cry. The boy was taken out of the classroom and the kids were all scared. The teacher let them have art time and play time, and the day resumed. 

There were adventures in Kindergarten. There were fights over chairs, not physical, but there was yelling. There was a boy. He would chase the girl around the classroom, but her mommy said he couldn't help it because he had something called "Autism." But she didn't really care. She thought it made him more him. 

She learned math and how to write. She made friends and enemies. Music class was her favorite, but when one girl yelled at her because she didn't believe in God, it became her least favorite class. She started Piano lessons and started to play chords. She liked the piano. 

Then Kindergarten was over, and it was time for summer. 

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