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[Sehun POV]

I waited until Baekhyun fell asleep before I went to his room. I miss him. I walked into his room. It look the same as he had left it. The bed was still made. His clothes were still scattered all over the floor. The nightstand by his bed still had a thick layer of dust. I walked over to his bed and sat down. The sheets still smell just like him. I couldn't stan that smell. I sighed and walked to the closet. I slowly opened the door. I grabbed the bottle of vodka I hid in there earlier this week. I hate him. I brought the bottle to my lips and took a big gulp. I'd do anything to forget him.

Suddenly the door opened and Kai stood there with a gun. "Hands up--Sehun?" He asked confused, "What are you doing in here?" I ignored his question and took a another sip of the bottle before walking out of the room. "Sehun? Are you okay?" Kai asked worried. I ignored him again.

I walked back to my room. I hid the bottle of Vodka under my bed before getting into it. It wasn't much longer before I fell asleep.

"Sehun-ah," Luhan said with a big smile, "I love you so much." I smiled. "I love you more." I said. He gave me a big kiss. "I want to stay with you forever." He said. "Me too." I said. "Aww. Sorry to interrupt your moment but do you guys wanna play a game of blackjack?" Jongdae asked. "Sure." Luhan said. Jongdae smiled.

We walked to the casino hand in hand."Baby would you like to sit in my lap?" He asked. "Sure." I smiled.

Jongdae delt the cards while Junmyeon gave everyone a drink. We continued playing for hours. We finally stopped when Tao was so drunk he could barley talk. We were all pretty drunk. Even Jongdae and Chanyeol were drunk. Luhan convince me that he was too drunk to walk so I carried him to his room. I carefully set him down and he pulled me on top of him.

"Kiss me." He whispered. I began to kiss his soft lips. "Baby. I. Love. You. So. Much." I said in between kisses. He eventually began to kiss back. Then his phone rang. I frowned and pulled away so he could answer. He got up and stumbled out the door so he could talk in private. Who was it? Moments later he stumbled back into the room."Who was it?" I asked. "An old friend. Don't worry I'm not cheating on you." He said and laid back down. I tried to kiss him again but he pushed me away. "Sorry. I'm tired. I just want to sleep." He said. "Alright." I said.

It was already morning. I sat up and stretched before I realized Luhan wasn't next to me. I shrugged it off. He's probably in the shower. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I was surprised when it was empty. He's probably talking with Yixing and Zitao. I walked to Yixing and Zitao's room and knocked on the door. A tired Yixing opened the door confused. "Why are you here?" He asked. "Isn't Luhan with you?" I asked. He shook his head, even more confused. "What do you mean?" He asked. "He wasn't with me when I woke up." I said. "Tao! Have you seen Luhan?" Yixing asked. "Nuh-Uh." Tao said. I began to get worried. "I'll try to call him." I said and pulled out my phone.

"Sorry but the person you are trying to call is unavailable."

"I'll try calling him." Yixing said.

"Sorry but the person you are trying to call is unavailable."

"What the fuck." I muttered. "Go get in the shower. I'm sure he's fine." Yixing said and pushed me towards my room.

It was breakfast time when I got out of the shower. Kihyun, our chef, made hotteok."Sehun, where's Luhan?" Junmyeon asked. "I-I don't know. He wont answer my calls." I said. "Don't worry. He's probably out doing something." Jongin said.

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