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(Lauren's POV)

All Lauren heard were muffled voices from inside Camila's closet. She didn't know what to do. She was hoping that it was just Camila's parents and that they would leave the room soon.

Lauren was just standing in the walk in closet, in her Spider-Man suit, with her mask clutched in her right hand. It was the one time that she didn't have her book bag on her, so there was no way that she could change out of her suit. Light shined through the door way for a split second before it was shut again. Lauren's eyes widened when she saw Dinah when the door opened for that split second.

Oh my god, Spidey. Think, think, think, Lauren thought as she looked around the closet for somewhere to hide. But there was literally no cover what so ever.

The muffled voices from the other side were now louder than before. As Lauren looked around for cover, she saw light starting to creep up from the closet doorway. Panicking, she quickly pulled her Spider-Man mask over her head, turned around so her back was facing the doorway, and shut her eyes, waiting for a reaction. When she didn't hear anything for a split second, she turned around and opened her eyes. Quickly regretting it when she saw Dinah and Normani standing under the closet door with wide eyes and jaws dropped to the floor.

"Ummmm, what's going on?" both Dinah and Normani asked in unison. Lauren just stood there with her shoulders high and hands lifted up as if she had been caught at a crime scene.

"What's going on?!?" Dinah asked, still holding the closet door open and stepping to the side. Ally rushed over to see what happened and her face was very swiftly replaced with the same expression that Dinah and Normani had just seconds ago.

Camila came over and gave Lauren an apologetic look.

"Mila?!? What is going on?" Dinah stated again, more firm this time. Camila turned to face Dinah with a guilty look on her face.

"Uuuh, it's just... like-um" seeing Camila having to find a lie to tell her friends was killing Lauren.

You gonna let your beautiful, dreamy, wonderful girlfriend do all this for you, Laur??? Lauren thought as she hung her head in shame.

"Mila! Just spit it out!"

DO SOMETHING, SPIDEY!! YOUR GIRL IS DYING OUT THERE! With her head still down, she shut her eyes and slowly started lifting up her mask.

"Lauren?" Lauren heard Ally ask from the doorway. Lauren still had her head down and her eyes shut.

"Lauren... what's going on?" Dinah asked, softly. Lauren started shaking her head and let out a huff of air before she opened her eyes and finally lifted her gaze.

As soon as her gaze was fully lifted, her eyes immediately locked with Camila's chocolate brown eyes. The brunette had teary eyes and Lauren knew that she just had to get Camila out of this situation.

"I'm-um-" Lauren started shaking her head. She was still trying to come up with some sort of lie, but when she locked eyes with Camila again, the words just spilled out.

"I'm Spider-Man, I guess" Lauren uttered, turning her gaze over to the rest of the girls. They all had their eyebrows furrowed as they studied Lauren's suit.

"Are you being serious right now?" Dinah asked, her eyebrows still furrowed.

"Yeah" Lauren whispered, seeing Dinah's features instantly soften, along with the other girls.

"Lauren... you better not be lyin-"

"I swear to my Uncle's grave" Lauren whispered, seeing their features soften even more. Lauren started to internally panic when Dinah took a step forward. The Polynesian placed a hand on Lauren's shoulder and spoke up.

"You're a good person, Laur" Dinah whispered before wrapping the green eyed girl in a hug. Lauren didn't know what to do at first, but seconds later, she reciprocated the embrace.

"Group hug!!" Ally and Normani yelled in unison as they both ran up and joined the embrace. Lauren glanced up and saw Camila watching then group hug with teary eyes and a warm smile.

"Come here, beautiful" Lauren whispered as she gestured for Camila to join the embrace. Camila let out a giggle and playfully rolled her eyes before she walked over and joined in on the group hug.


"So... wait... when we took a picture with Spider-Man a little while ago.. that was you?" Ally asked.

All of a sudden, Lauren's attention snapped toward the window, hearing the police sirens coming from downtown. She stood up from the bed and slowly walked over to the open window. As soon as she felt a hand on her shoulder, she whipped her attention back around, seeing Camila giving her a sad smile.

"Do you have to go?" Camila whispered. Lauren knew that Camila was trying to be supportive but she noticed Camila's teary eyes. Her hand flew up to Camila's cheek and Camila immediately placed her hand over Lauren's.

"I'm sorry" Lauren whispered back. She didn't know what else to say, she knew that Camila didn't like anything about this "Spider-Man" deal, but she had to do what she could to protect people.

"I love you" Lauren stated, giving Camila a lingering kiss on the cheek as Camila shut her eyes.

"I love you too, Laur" Camila said, opening her eyes. The look on Camila's face was heart breaking, but Lauren couldn't just sit back while she had these abilities at her disposal.

Lauren brought her hand back down from Camila's cheek and glanced over to the other girls. They were all giving her a supportive smile before Lauren turned around and jumped through the window.

You're such a jerk, Laur. Lauren thought before she turned back around and jumped back through the window. She saw Camila still standing in the same spot, now with tears making their way down her cheeks.

"I love you so much, Camzi" Lauren said, wrapping Camila in a tight hug.

"You better get out there, stupid" Camila giggled through the tears as she let go of the hug and gave Lauren a playful shove.

"I love you too" Camila laughed before Lauren finally left for downtown.

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