Chapter XX: Ship Lord's Log

413 42 0

1410 hours January 27th, 2160

Location Unknown - Flashback - ERROR

A Grumble. A Feeling of Hate. A feeling of Passion. A feeling of Love and Lust. And Failure.

"So much information. No true way to comprehend it all. All of what it is, all of what it means, Argues with what we think we know. About it All. Religion. Human Origins. All of it. None of it True, all of it a Lie. How can we be sure we know ourselves? We can't be sure not of anything, not after this."

'My name is Hav'rte Menajea. I am a Incolma Ship Lord. I am over two thousand Terrae years old. We and the Humans are not so different. The humans are our cousins and the Holy Lords refuse to see it. We left the life seeds here on this world many, many years ago. I have reviewed the records and this is true. I have inquired my Father, and this is true. The Holy Lords refuse to see it. I have taken the lives of many of them over the course of this slaughter of a younger version of ourselves, I have seen this happen before, in the records.I feel like I'm killing my own young. They are smarter than we were at this age. I have seen this and it is true, and the Holy Lords refuse to see it. There is nothing I can do to change the Holy Lords' minds. They see these Humana as a threat, as a nuisance, as a pest. I have asked the Holy Lords personally what they wish to happen to these creatures, so in their prime, while our race has  complications reproducing anymore, while we grow weaker as a species. "Just glass the Holy worlds they've walked and set fire to their cities. Kill their children, Slaughter their women, burn their technologies." How is this right? This is not the way we've ever treated any other species of the universe. Over a thousand partnerships and allies in the tri-galactic area and this one we pick to destroy? The first one we've ever come across that has captured the ability to Light Travel? How is it fair? I think it is intimidation. I have sen the fear in the Holy Lords eyes. I ask them to be not afraid, to accept peace with our younger selves, but they hate them so, they do not see peace as a viable option. "No," they say., "No, it is not us who is afraid, but you who is misguided." I have seen it myself and it is true, but the Foolish Lords still do not see it. 

They Humans are coming up here now, with the same ship I purposely didn't destroy, only temporarily disabled. I knew it would come back for us. I am glad they are. I would rather die at the hands of a truly superior race than what we've become. I hate us so. I will let the Holy Lord aboard this ship think that there is an engine failure and we shall not leave. The humans will think of a way to win this fight, and if they don't, then maybe I am misguided, but I feel right about this, and it is the will of Herus, our holy god. I shall be saved, will this Holy Lord will burn in the wraith of Diabolus' hands of blood. I think our turrets have started firing at the humans ships. They are on their way. I will not send the Fighters, I will not open the hangar, either. The humans must be clever enough to do it on their own, with out my help. for that is the will of Herus. This is Ship Lord Hav'rte Menajea Log number 56,721. Final Log.'

There is no such thing as Destiny, only your will and the will of the ones who are against you.

 -Grandrea Tr'naugr, 4798, AAE (Age After Empire)

The Milky Way Saga: Cities to Embers (Book 1 of 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن