Chapter 04: Captain's Log

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1548 Hours, January 17th, 2160

Captain's Log: Recorded on January 16th, 2160 at 0700 hours:

"My name is Isaac Free. I am on my way to Earth in the Sol System. I should arrive there at, I don't know, 1800 hours on the 17th of January. I have just woken from a coma that lasted two years, four months, and sixteen days. I have lost my wife and unborn child. I don't know what will be waiting for me when I go planet side, but I hope it isn't too bad. I just hope that my cottage is still there in Augher.

"I've been going through these files that I found on this ship. They had something planned for me, but I'm not sure what. They had things on me that no one else knew. A scar on my upper left thigh, a bad high school break up, all of it. It doesn't make any sense, why do they need all of this information?

"I found a schematic for my spine just now. Hold on, let me read it...

It is about improvements to it; Adjustments, modifications, almost an entirely new prosthetic. But, that dosen't seem right. Does it? why bring this along and have my old one repaired. I don't understand.

"I have a lot of time to think without anyone to put me under until we get there. To think about life, Bailey, who our child would've been, what he would've become. This place is too cruel to raise a child, anyway. I'd be afraid more than not. What would've happened to him if Bailey or I had died on the front lines of This? I don't even think it's fair to call it a war. More of a slaughter if you ask me, but, I guess I've really only seen Dreadnought get glassed. Maybe it's different closer to home. I hope it's different closer to home."

I turned off the video projector and swiveled around in my chair, looking over the schematic again. So much is different on this new one. Are they going to use me for something? Maybe a new set of armor they're trying out. Great, I'm going to be the military's Guinea pig as they try to win a war against an unbeatable foe...

"General Ford, we are leaving Jump-Space in approximately fifteen seconds, please fasten your safety harness."

"Confirmed." I took the belt out from under the chair and above my right arm and clicked them into each other and braced myself. Leaving Jump-Space can be kinda rocky.

I looked out after the ship's AI told me I could get up again. I peeked out over the front view window, dreading what I might see. And there it was. Earth, in all of it's shinning, fairly untouched glory. A new defensive system that I've never seen before was circling the entire planet. Must've been fifty or more space stations, all with Massive Neutron Cannons, or MNCs. I was so relieved.

"General, Station 43-B is requesting to make communications with you, comply?"

"Yes, bring them up on the view screen." The giant view screen flickered on. I hadn't noticed the cracks in it until now, odd. A man's face appeared, very strong, very familiar, very scared. Not all how I remember it.

"Listen up, That AI say's that I'm flying that bird, and as you can see, I'm not even on that ship. Who are you and state your business using my override.

He doesn't recognize me? I guess not, I haven't had time to groom myself sine... I guess two and a half years ago? weird...

"Sir, Isaac Free, serial code IF-0789124. Master Sargent of the Navy, Captain in the Special Services subcategory, Founders, sir"

"Dear God! Let this man land here ASAP!" The bay of the nearest space station opened, and I flew in.

Now that's more like it.

The Milky Way Saga: Cities to Embers (Book 1 of 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن