{7} Can't Quite Do Civil

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We watched the overzealous templar slink away (me making sure he went further then the tavern) before saying anything else.

I thought I resolved not to talk to him. Was so sure that I could get by without ever having to discuss anything. But ohh no. Not me. I just have to have the worst luck in human history. Well, you know what I mean.

"It is late to be coming home. Why are you still awake?" He asked, his head tilted to the side and reflected the moonlight in the funniest way... wonder what he'd be like with hair? More attractive?

Nope. Stop. Drawing the line. Stop thinking in that way. Bad idea.

"Was actually just on my way. Excuse me." Tried, tried to make my escape. It didn't bloody work.

He actually stepped in front of me. "Have I done something to offend you?"

I made sure my face was a mask before turning back to him, "No."

"I was under the impression that you seem to dislike me." He said, hands clasped together. He wasn't genuinely asking, he just wanted to know why I was giving him the cold shoulder when I became fast friends with everyone else.

"I can't 'dislike' you Solas, I don't know you." I sighed, backing up and jumping so I could sit on the wall. Had a feeling he wouldn't let me leave any time soon.

"Perhaps we should change that? If you are put off for any reason, I would rather address it." He insisted, and I had no clue what his agenda was.

If I were in his position, and I found someone who had no interest in knowing me, it'd be a field day. I'd leave them alone just the same as they would me. Less people to lie to, less chance of messing up. So what the hell was his game?

My eyes narrowed of their own accord, "Why?"

He was a good actor, would do well at my old theatre, because he managed to look passably surprised, "We will be working together, yes? It is only wise to at least be civil."

Fine. What the hell? He could only kill me if I let anything slip. It'd be a good way to test my theory about dying being a way back. So far I had three; find an eluvian that could get me to the other side, get physically back into the fade somehow and find a rift that leads back, or get killed. Not sure which one is the best yet.

So. Civil. With the Dread Wolf.

How did things get like this?

"Okay... what you wanna to talk about?" I leant back on my arms, making myself comfortable on the wall.

He appeared to be choosing the right words, it took a while for him find them and voice them, "Why do you let Leliana lord over you as she does? Your hands are bruised and dirty, yet you are no servant. Why is that?"

"Wow. Jump right in there, don't you?" Yawning, it was rather late, "They're still suspicious of me. My place isn't very secure here, despite Vivienne's protection. So I just go along with it. I don't act like a lot of elves they know and that concerns them, I'm sure you understand that." I replied, I really was letting my mouth run away with me here. It was ridiculously easy to talk to him.

He nodded, "I do understand. My place is not so secure either. Apostates, particularly elven ones, are not very welcome."

"Even if they're trying to help?"

"Somehow humans are under the impression that help always masks spies or liars."

"Hm, true." Was he just telling me what I wanted to hear? Urgh, this is why I never wanted to talk to him in the first place! We couldn't even have one conversation without me second guessing everything he was doing! It was ridiculous. And unhealthy.

I yawned again, "Let's finish this at another time. It's late, Iimagine you want sleep as much as I do. Catch you later." Without evenstopping to watch his expression I jumped off the wall, lifted my hand in awave and walked into my cabin. Shutting the door on the weirdest night I'd hadto date.

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