{2} I Get Discovered But Not In the Way You're Thinking

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Well... here goes. The day life got a hell of a lot more interesting.

One word. Bandits.

There were plenty people waiting to take advantage of refugees from the war, and the civil war that was starting as well. Shit, even I was one of them. I wouldn't have gotten remotely close to Val Royeaux if it weren't for the refugees coming in and out of the city. Who notices an elf among thousands of humans that need homes? Literally no one.

Back the the bandits. I'd left the city for a while because I needed a break and wanted to scout some natural hot springs that were nearby. Just some normal every day stuff. I'd learned to always be prepared for a fight, I'd been in Thedas for over a year at that point and that theory kept me alive.

So when I saw a carriage get set upon by thieves I was about to turn the other way and just let them have at it when-

"Oh look, a pretty one! Gonna have some fun tonight boys!"

Ahahaha. Well. Can't say they walked away completely ... whole.

When I stopped, having killed one and knocked the other two unconscious, I grabbed their coin-purses and wiped my knives on their coats. "Stupid bandits- stupid war- stupid everything going to sh-"

"Excuse me?" A posh, smooth voice that I knew I recognised from somewhere chimed in from the carriage.

"Oh! Sorry!" I shouted, sheathing the knives and peaking over the flipped edge into the carriage.

And blow me down, there sat Lady Vivienne De Fer, in all her beautiful, elegant glory. If I'm being honest, I always thought she was by far the most beautiful person I'd ever seen? The game did not do her justice I'll tell you that much.

I helped her out of the carriage, it required a lot of lifting and manoeuvring but we got her out. Her leg was mangled by the crash, a huge cut up the side that needed stitches.

"I can try to do something for that, my lady. But until we get to a healer-"

"You saved my life, please just call me Vivienne. I am afraid I'm not much of a healer either, but possibly we can figure something out together?"

From what I remembered of my time with Alice, elfroot was the best way to speed healing, so I went in search of some and we got her standing in no time.

"What is your name, my dear? You look awfully familiar." She said, eyeing me down her nose as she leaned against me.

I started walking, she did her best to appear dignified while hopping, "Elaine, I'm a dancer. You may have seen me in a show or two." Sheepish, for no reason, I would have given her my last name but considering it wasn't mine but Alice's I thought I would just say the first.

"Oh I knew I recognised that hair from somewhere, darling! You are an extraordinary dancer." She went on to say that my talents were wasted in the chorus and that as a favour to me for saving her life she would get me a lead-


You're not buying this are you?

Worth a shot though, right?

Okay, truth: I saved Vivienne from a mugging gone extremely terrible.

Truth: she did repay me. But not in the best possible way.

No she asked me to ... become her body guard. She said being a dancer was the perfect cover, and that me being elven made it even better. I was good with knives, and apparently had an innocent face that beggared trust.

What swayed me was her offer of payment. Sooo much gold, plus I'd never been one to turn down a nice warm bed.

The Chateau was lovely. It reminded me of a resort, so fancy. And because I was there as her body guard I got to follow her exploits.

{1. Defiance} Everything's Just FineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora