#42 Bad Argument Bad accident

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Ashton - “Oh come on!” You walked away from him, not speaking as he chuckled following behind you. “Baby I was just kidding.” You stopped, him running into you as he still chuckled. “Talking about my weight is not funny, Ashton!” He crossed his arms, his chuckling ceasing. “I said I was just fucking kidding! Can’t you take a fucking joke!?” You pushed his chest, him stumbling back as tears welled in your eyes. “No I can’t! Because that offends me don’t you understand that, you clueless dumbass!” He looked taken back, as you stood your ground. “Oh so now i’m the dumbass? You’re such a bitch!” He yelled, turning around as you were now following him. “You may be my fiance, but you act so selfish! It’s all about Ashton, what Ashton can do, how hot Ashton is, how many girls Ashton can pull!” He stopped, you running into his back as he turned to face you. “How did this turn into how many girls I can pull, seriously? If you even think I would cheat on you, you’re stupid!” Here we go with the name calling again. “Just get the fuck out.” You picked up a glass, throwing it at him as he dodged it, it smashing to pieces behind him. He charged towards you, grabbing your shoulders with his massive hands. He shook you hard, his muscles bulging out as he did so. He slammed you against the wall as you let out a cry of pain. “Don’t ever try something like that again, got me?” He held your arms tighter, as if trying to break them. “Got me!?” You nodded as he let you go, jerking the keys from your purse as he left in the early hours of the noon. You held your throbbing arms, completely scared. You had never seen Ashton so upset or even that violent before. The closest he came to hurting you has been accidentally throwing you off the bed during play fighting or hitting you too hard with a pillow during a pillow fight. Your arms started to turn bright red and you knew they would bruise soon. 30 minutes later, you had already cleaned up the broken glass in the middle of the living room, and were now making dinner. Tears welled in your eyes as you realized how stupid the argument was in the first place and how violent it turned in the end. Ashton’s been gone forever and you debated on calling him, and then you realized he left his phone on the table. The house phone started to ring, as you recognized Ashton’s mothers number. “Hello?” You turned off the stove as her harsh crying came from the other end, “Ashton just got into a bad car accident.” You dropped your spoon, almost collapsing. “What happened?” She sniffled again as you waited for her to continue, making you more anxious. “He was driving somewhere and a 18 wheeler rammed him from the side.” You dropped the phone, putting on your shoes and running out the door. The hospital wasn’t but a few miles from your house so you started running. Tears clogged your vision as you did, you didn’t care how mad you were at him. You were more worried if he was okay or not. After 10 minutes you made it, seeing him being carried in on a stretcher. “Ashton! Oh my god!” Blood was everywhere, even a blood trail following them in. You screamed as you reached him, a doctor pushing you back. “That’s my fiance!” They wheeled him to the ICU, as you began bawling in the middle of the waiting room. A nurse helped you collect yourself as you waited for Ashton to be cleared. A while later, you saw a doctor walking to you. He nodded and led you to where Ashton was, you almost gasped as you saw him. Almost his whole chest was wrapped in gauze, he had tubes in his nose, IV’s in his arm, and a cast on his leg. He turned his head, seeing you. “Hi.” You whispered, sitting beside him as he chuckled. “I’m so stupid.” His voice was more raspier and deeper, causing you to smile and just hold his hand. “I’m sorry, it was stupid. You know I love you so much and I meant nothing I said.” You shook your head, smiling at him. “As long as you’re okay, I’m fine.” He chuckled, as you took his face in between your hands, kissing him long and hard, thankful he was still here.

Calum - “Calum, you are not taking my baby away from me!” Your husband was being difficult, your 2 year old being taken by force from you by Calum. Another pointless argument led up to this, he threatened to divorce you and take Olivia away from you so she could never see you again. You were honestly scared, so you called your mom. She stood beside you, Calum holding Olivia in his arms as she was just as calm as ever. “Calum don’t do this. This is your family, honey.” He scoffed, looking from you to your mom. “All she does is bitch and complain, i’m tired of it. You know what,” He handed you Olivia back, you cuddling her as she held your neck tightly. “Calum don’t go. I can change for us.” You croaked out, him shaking his head as he left. You started to sob as you held Olivia, your mom sighing. “He will be back honey. Just give him some time to cool down.” You nodded as you all went and lounged on the couch. You were watching tv, your mom reading and Olivia laid across your lap, your fingers running through her ponytail. You looked at your phone, a picture of you, Cal and Olivia on the front. She was just a newborn, Calum was sitting on the hospital bed with you, as you both admired your small baby. You smiled, a tear falling down your eye as it fell onto the screen. Just as you wiped it away, you saw the hospital was calling. “Hello?” Your mom closed her book, pulling off her glasses. “He’s what!?” Your mom took Olivia from you as you grabbed the keys to her car. “What happened?” She asked, as you were almost out the door. “Calum overturned the car off a bridge.” She gasped as you nodded, beginning to cry with sadness as you thought of Calum possibly being dead right now. You held your left hand to your heart, your wedding ring touching your beating heart as you drove frantically through traffic. You reached the hospital, immediately spotting Calum sitting in a wheelchair, his leg and arm in a cast. He had a small cut over his eyebrow and he had a black eye. “You’re alive?” He nodded and held out his good arm, beckoning you over. You couldn’t help but sit on his legs, him grunting as you did so. “Please don’t ever scare me like that again.” He chuckled, before looking up at your face. “I love you and I could never divorce you, hear me?” You nodded and held his neck, kissing his black eye as he smiled into your neck, thinking about how badly this situation could have ended up.

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