Chapter 2.

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Day 0.

When I woke up, I felt like I was lost.I didn't know what time it was, or where I was.

I looked out of my room's window.It was dark outside.The only source of light in my room was a lamp on my commode.I was not the one who had turned it on.

I checked my watch.Nine o'clock in the evening.I had been sleeping for five hours straight.

I got up carefully so I wouldn't feel dizzy.I got out of my room.My dad's room's door was open but he was not inside.

I got downstairs as fast as I could and turned on the lights.Nobody was in my house except me.

I entered the kitchen hastily to get some water.There was a piece of paper on the kitchen's table.The handwriting was messy.It was probably written from Stella.I got it in my hands.

Hey, Louis.I thought about writing you this note because there will be nobody home when you wake up, I guess.I put a plate with some food for you in the oven so it can stay warm.I would have woken you up when it got ready but you seemed too tired and really needed to get some rest.Your dad is at a seminar for trainers(or something like that) and he'll be back in two days.I went to visit my cousin and I'll be back tomorrow.If you need anything, you know my phone number. Love, Stella x

I read the message, then put it back down on the little round table.

So, I would be alone until the next day.Which was okay.It was not the first time I stayed alone in my house-of course!But, to be honest, even when my dad and Stella were both there with me, I was still alone.So, staying alone was a common thing for me.

I got a glass, poured in some water, then gulped it down.Then I opened the oven, got my plate with the food and put it down on the table.I got a fork and a knife and started eating my chicken wings.

When I finished, it was twenty past nine.What a time to eat lunch.

Then I walked in the living room and sat on a couch.It was almost time for me to sleep but there was a problem.I had just woken up.

There was nothing for me to do in my house, so I decided to go out for a walk.The city was pretty good at nights.

I went in my bedroom and put on a pair of jeans and a grey sweater.I wore my vans and then put my cell phone on one of my jeans' pocket.I got downstairs again and then turned all the lights off.I took the house's keys, got out of my house and locked the door.Then I put them in my other pocket and started to walk away.

There were a lot of people out.I put on my hood and tried to look only at the ground so less people could recognise me.

The sky was clean from clouds and the air was pretty warm for february.

I connected my phone to my earphones and then put them on.The music started playing.

I started making my way to the beach.Late night walks at the beach were my favourite.Plus, it would probably be empty, since it was winter.

As I was walking, I got lost in the music.The volume was pretty high but I didn't care.I was looking around me.I felt like I was in a dream or something, since I couldn't hear nothing else except from the music.

There was a bunch of teenagers near my age or maybe some years younger laughing at a park near me.They were probably having fun.The oldest one was telling them something and then all the others would just burst in laughter.I wish I could do this too.You know, take some friends and spend the whole night at a park, telling jokes.But I had no friends.Actually, I had the guys from the team but, they were not the kind of friends I could just call and ask if they wanted to spend the night at the park or something.We were just not that close.

I felt so jealous of the teens, so I just kept walking with my face down.

Suddenly the music stopped.My phone had probably froze.I got it in my right hand, still walking.I clicked a button and unlocked it.I started the music again.But before having the opportunity to put my phone back in my pocket, I heard a noise which seemed like braking.

I turned my face to the way I had heard it and saw a car coming my way.The driver was beeping like crazy.And then I realised that I had stepped on the road.I was ready to start running or something but it was too late.The car hit me, not very hard, and I fell down.My head bumped on the ground and everything went black, within a few seconds.

.              .              .

"Is he alive?"

"I think he's breathing."

"Oh my god, oh my god, I killed him."

"He looks okay."

"And what if he's not?"

The two voices kept talking for a really long time.The one was a girl's voice, and it was a loud one.The other one was raspy and it was obviously coming from a guy.

I tried to open my eyes.Everything looked blurry.

"Look, he's opening his eyes!He's alive!"The girl said.

I blinked many times.After some point, I started to see clearer.There was a girl with brown, long, straight hair and brown eyes standing upon me.Her lips were pink, probably from her lip gloss and her face was pale.She had long eyelashes and her eyebrows were thin.She was around twenty, like me.The boy standing next to her, had curly, brown hair and his eyes were green.He was staring right into my eyes.He was smiling.He had a pretty big mouth.He looked cute though.He was tall, but obviously younger than me and that girl.

"Are you feeling alright?"The girl asked.

I didn't answer.

She asked again.But I just couldn't open my mouth.I still felt quite dizzy.

"You think he's deaf?"The girl asked the boy.

The boy shrugged.

I tried to get up but the boy pushed me down.

"Hey calm down.You just had an accident.The ambulance is on its way.They need to check you out."

I didn't like the word ambulance.Nor the whole hospital thing.So I kept resisting to stay down.

After a couple of minutes, I managed to push the boy away.I got up as fast as I could and started to run

"Hey!You can't go like this!You need to go to a hospital!"The girl shouted.

I stopped walking, feeling dizzy.

"I'm fine."I finally spoke.

I started walking away again, trying too hard not to pass out.

"You look pale."The boy said and ran my way.

"No, I'm not."I said."Leave me alone!"

But I couldn't even control my body.Everything was turning blurry again.Ι stumbled a little, but held a tree's trunk so I wouldn't fall down.

The boy ran close to me.

"Leave me."I murmured, half unconscious, half trying to keep my eyes open.

I fell on his hug.

"Hey, easy easy."He said and smiled.

I tried to say something but I couldn't.

"You're gonna be okay.You just had a little accident but I don't think it's something serious."He told me.

The last thing I heard was the sirens from the ambulance coming to us.But then, everything was black again.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 12, 2014 ⏰

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