Chapter 2

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Skyler's heart caught at the sound of the deep, rich baritone voice. His blue eyes locked onto her indigo ones then widened with surprise. Or was it appreciation?  Perhaps the scorching heat was roasting her thinking processes? Something soft squirmed against her chest before she realized his brawny arms were filled with whimpering pups. He was rescuing the baby animals! Although glistening with sweat and smudged with charcoal, too sooty to distinguish his features, he seemed like a knight in not-quite shimmering armor. "Who are you?" Skyler whispered.

"I'm Matthew." Matthew remembered his manners at the same time as the wiggling weights in arms. "Here." He thrust the bundle of panicky pups into her arms before brushing a stray lock of chocolate hair from her lovely round face. He took a giant step back, away from the temptation of her feminine and athletic form. Matthew wondered why no one warned him that she was such a beauty. "You must be Skyler, the new vet," he tossed back over his shoulder as he again ran toward the barn to save more animal shelter strays.

Skyler settled the newborn pups on the grass, well away from the blazing barn, as fire engines roared into the driveway. Firemen hollered out directions to each other, working in harmony with hoses to blast water into flames. Matthew hauled out the baby pup's mother, handing it and three more strays to Skyler, before dashing back for another rescue.

Professionals that they were, the firemen had the inferno down to a smolder in no time. One of the fire fighters led Skyler to a large neighboring ranch house at the end of the lane and told her the owner said for her take care of the rescued animals there.

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