*Now What?

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Request:"Hey! I'm the Murphy bitting fic anon from a while ago and I loved it. I wanted to know if you could write a bitting fic for jasper too? Thanks love!!" ~ Biting anon

My pleasure! ❤

A/N: Sorry for not posting very often recently, but life happens! Hope you enjoy, and don't be afraid to make requests!✌

Warnings: NSFW, biting, and cursing. Y'know the drill🤘

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You trudged up the woods covered slope, hiking up into another part of the woods. You panted slightly, your feet pained, your thighs sore, and your mind verging on exhausted. You looked up, noting the slim figure hiking in front of you. Holding a gun to his chest, for saftey. His dark brown hair came over the back of his neck, his rats nest of a head swayed slightly as he looked back and forth between trees and other things of nature.

"How much farther Jasper?"

"We're almost there, I promise."

"You said that like an hour ago!" You whined.

"Don't exaggerate, we've only been away from camp for like half an hour, at most." He turned to his side, and took your hand. "Besides, I think you're really gonna like iiit!" He sang slightly, practically pulling you in the direction.

"Like what exactly?" Jasper didn't answer you. He kept walking. He had pulled you aside after he came back from a hunting trip with Bellamy and the others, telling you he found something in the woods. Something you'd love. You, to be honest, expected something a little different. Like, a make out session or something. You thought Jasper was just being smooth or something, but now you realized, he just genuinely wanted to show you something. What did you expect? Jasper wasn't exactly smooth. But then again, that's why you liked him. His awkwardness was down right adorable.

"Ta-Da!" Jasper shouted, throwing his arms open to present the scene layed out before you. It appeared, to be something of an old parking lot taken over by plant life. You'd read about cars on the ark, and seen pictures but you'd never seen one in person obviously, until now.

"Wow." The scene was a little breath taking to be honest. The way the foliage took over the vehicles the way it did, only allowing you to see parts of them. It was like an art exhibit almost.

"I know you'd like it." Jasper smiled, and for a moment the two of you made eye contact. A longing stare that Jasper had to tear himself away from. The loud sound of birds, and other animals crying caught your attention. You watched as birds fled from the tree tops and into the air. As the familiar sight of orange and red fog crept over the blue sky. Your eyes met again, paniced.

"We have to get back to camp. If we run-"

"We'd never make it in time." Frantically ran to the cars, some sunked into the earth itself. He reached for any door he could, and pulled. It was rusted shut. He tried another, and you began doing the same. Panic set in, you were shaking. Desperate for a hiding place. "Y/N!" He shouted, having pried a door open, you jumped into the back seat of an old car. Jasper quickly doing the same, pulling the shut the door right as you watched the deadly fog roll into the area. You watched it fill the gaps between the cars, hiding the beautiful green of the forest until there was nothing but the fog outside the dirty windows. The two of you panted, and as you started to calm down, you looked at one another.

"Guess we're stuck here for now, huh?" Jasper nodded, and looked back out the window. "So um...now what?" He chuckled, looking down at his feet for a moment, and then back at you with his cute smile. He leaned in, planting a gentle kiss on your lips. He pulled away, a little shy, before you leaned forward and continued a tender moment. The kiss was soft, and his lips were surprisingly sweet. You didn't want the kiss to end, and lucky for you. Neither did Jasper. He reached around to keep you close. Placing a warm hand on your waist. You placed your hand on his knee, and as seconds passed, you let your finger tips slide up his thigh. Just to push his buttons a little. A small moan came from him, his hand traveling up your back. Soon, you were sucking and biting on his lip. He started taking off his jacket, and then your own. Your fingers went through his hair, gently tugging, just to drive him a little wilder. It was working. Everything little thing you were doing was driving him nuts. He wanted you. Wanted nothing more than you, right then and there in the back seat of this old car.

"Mmmmh Y/N." He moaned into your neck, as you reached down and pulled his shirt over his head. Before you knew it, you were helping Jasper taking off your bra, and then you were taking off his pants while he was groping you. He kissed your breasts as he massaged them. Leaving small hickies, and breathing heavily into your flesh. He whimpered slightly when you touched him through his boxers. He became so flustered he practically threw them off himself. His throbbing member gently rubbing against your panties. Jasper had you pinned between him, and the seat behind you. He was perfectly positioned, kneeling on the floor, so his hands were on either side of you. Your legs spread perfectly so his cock teased you. You moaned, Jasper kissing down your neck. He looked down, pulling your panties to the side. Then back up into your eyes, as if asking for permission. You nodded quickly, kissing him again. You felt the head of him slide up and down your wet entrance before slowly pushing himself in. He grunted, at first, commenting on how tight you were. You gasped with him, as he filled you all the way. He paused for a second to hide his face in your neck before he started thrusting. Deep, and long thrusts that made you moan. His eyes closed, he continued to take it slow. As if he was pacing himself, keeping himself steady. You ran your fingers down his chest, gently scratching. He moaned, holding your hips. The more you touched him, the more excited he got. The more he started to fuck you. The more he began moan, and hold you. He opened his eyes, staring into yours with passion and lust as he drove his hard cock deep into you. Thrusting over, and over, and over again into you. Causing you to moan and whimper as he started to lose himself. His mouth hung open, as pants and moans and other sounds of pleasure tumbled out. He grunted, as your orgasm overcame you, unexpectedly causing you to cum around his cock. He did stop, it only brought him over the edge, he bucked him hips irrationally, he shook as his sexual peak came over him. He could hardly control himself as his teeth sunk into your neck. It wasnt too hard, it didnt hurt. If anything it sent a tingle down your spine that only extenuated the feeling of Jasper's twitching cocking spilling it's load inside of you

"Fuck!" You cried. Jasper pulled away, staring at the mark on your skin. It took a moment to calm down but once he realized. His eyes went wide.

"Oh sh-shit did I hurt you!?" He asked, holding your head in one of his hands, and wiping away the little blood that feel from your skin.

"N-No. It just, I didnt expect it." You panted.

"I'm so sorry, crap. I didn't mean to-I just couldnt control myself I'm sorry-"

"It's okay Jasper." You smiled, and gave him a peck on the lips. "It was, really hot." You confessed. He gave a blushing smile.

"Really?" You nodded, and bit your lip. "So, if it just so happened that, I was...kinda into that...a little. Would you be...cool, with that?" You kissed him again.

"Totally." You shared a tender moment.

"Cool" He pulled out, and sat next to you. He put an arm around you, and help you close. "Oh damn." Jasper looked past you, you turned. You hadn't realized it, but you had fogged up the windows. Pretty bad. Jasper leaned over, and drew a heart with his finger. He smiled at you, and when your beaming smile replied, he kissed your cheek. It took a while for the deadly fog to pass. Another round or two, kind of long.

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