Tag 4 = A Game Of Fandoms

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I wasn't tagged in this, but I thought it would be fun to do this tag GreenScholarTales made.

I wasn't tagged in this, but I thought it would be fun to do this tag GreenScholarTales made

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1. Capt. Jack Sparrow has invited you to a magnificent garden party! Which two characters (any fandom) do you bring and why? Saavy?

I'm going to have to say... Lois Wilkerson from Malcolm in the Middle for one. Simply so she can have some time away from a house full of reckless and loud boys. It's what she deserves most with all that she has to deal with.

 It's what she deserves most with all that she has to deal with

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I think I'd also take Catelyn Stark with me. So she can just enjoy herself, and my two favorite fictional moms can just hang out and relax together an talk about their families.

 So she can just enjoy herself, and my two favorite fictional moms can just hang out and relax together an talk about their families

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Honestly, another choice would by far be my girls, Éowyn and Tauriel, but I'm happy with Lois and Catlyn. Another would probably be Bruce Banner.

2. Sorting time at Hogwarts! Which house do you beg the Sorting Hat not to put you in and why?

Probably Gryffindor. I honestly dislike Gryffindor, and I'm a Slytherin, so....

3. May the Force be with you! Which Jedi/Sith would you want to become apprenticed as a padawan learner to and why?

Admittedly while I do like Star Wars, I've not seen a lot of it. So... my answer to this is going to have to be Luke Skywalker I guess.... Mostly cause he's the character I'm most familiar with. I wouldn't mind Obi Wan Kenobi though.

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