Dark Visions

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The two lovers drifted off into a deep peaceful sleep.


In the morning Minato woke up to the warm feeling of a pair of arms around his waist. He smiled as he saw his lover's sleeping face.

"Naruto, we should start packing." The blonde whispered and gently played with Naruto's white hair.

Minato chuckled when Naruto tightened his embrace and nuzzled the blonde's neck, "Yeah, ok." mumbled the sleepy magic user before getting out of bed. "You know we might save some time if we showered together." The magic user pointed out.

The blonde smiled at the suggestive comment and wrapped his arms around Naruto's neck to kiss him before going into the bathroom where they proceeded to take a very long hot shower together.


Everyone was at the check out desk and getting ready to leave. Even Mito, who was glaring at Naruto as he kissed her blonde father.

Kakashi was smirking behind his mask as he saw his sensei's slight limp, "So, sensei, fun night?" He snickered as Minato blushed.

Kushina smiled, "I'm happy for you two." She excitedly whispered in Minato's ear, "Sooo ... how was it? Was he good? Lots of foreplay? Tell me everything, I love details!" Minato chuckled at the barrage of questions from his small red headed friend. He didn't want to, but he knew he would end up telling her everything eventually, "and why do you smell like coconut?" She asked as she leaned in and sniffed him.

Minato turned bright red, "Ok, time to go!" He grabbed his bags and almost ran out of the building with a very curious and persistent Kushina running after him.


The trip back was a serious pain! Why? Well Mito overheard Naruto say that he used all of his mana for the party and, of course, she tried to kill him. Of course, even without mana Naruto is fast enough and strong enough to take whatever she throws at him, but he didn't need to do anything because Minato and Kushina knocked her out and tied her up for the rest of the trip.

"Hey, sensei, What are you going to do about Mito? I mean what she did could be considered treason." Kakashi said no doubt concerned for the girl's safety.

Minato frowned and looked at his daughter who was tied to a stick that her two eldest brothers were carrying, "I'm not sure. Maybe jail would be good for her."

Kushina looked worried, "But Minato, the people in prison will know who she is and might hurt her!"

Minato ran his fingers through his hair trying think of something as Naruto gently rubbed circles in his back trying to help him relax, "Well, we can't hide what she did, but maybe I can make arrangements with Danzo and have her moved to a separate jail area." As expected, once they set foot in the village six anbu confronted them and said that they were told to arrest Mito. Minato didn't stop them, but he did tell them not to take her to jail until he spoke to Danzo.

"Yes, hokage-sama, we will keep her in a cell in T&I until you arrive." The anbu said before leaving with Mito who was still tied to the stick.

Minato sighed, "I better go speak with Danzo." He kissed Naruto and started walking to Danzo's ROOT headquarters.

"I'll come too." Kushina said as she kissed Tsume before following Minato. Everyone else went back to their homes including Naruto who had to get a healing potion to restore his mana, but before he could he saw his friends, Shikamaru and Choji, coming towards him.

Choji grinned, "Hey, man! Glad to see you're ok! We heard that you had to fix the entire party because of something Mito did."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "News travels fast. How did you guys know about that?"

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