❰1- 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝗋𝗂𝗏𝖾❱

536 17 5

The song for the chapter is on top lmao. It doesn't really make sense with the chapter tho

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"¡María! ¡Levántate!"

The short Hispanic woman yelled. María sighed as she pulled herself out of bed. She sat on the bed and watched her alarm clock : 7 am. The teenager groaned. The day before, she asked her mother to wake her up at 9 am so María would get some sleep before doing a three hour drive to camp. This happened every single time she asked her mother to wake her up. The young girl was still sleepy and was contemplating whether or not she should get up.

After pulling herself together, María managed to get out of bed. She dragged herself downstairs to meet her mother doing breakfast while listening to Vicente Fernández. María sat at the table and poured herself a glass of orange juice.

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After cleaning up after herself, María began her morning routine; brushing her hair and her teeth, dressing up and dancing in the mirror to tame impala (one of her favorite band to be honest).

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It was finally time to leave to catch the bus. The young woman got into her father's car after putting her bags in the trunk of the car.
The drive was mostly silent except for the radio playing quietly. María and her father never really talked but they had a strong bond. They shared the love of music and silence because let's admit it ; her mother made a lot of noise all the time. Sometimes it was nice to be calm and quiet.

María looked out the window during the drive and sometimes she would sing a little bit. As they got closer to the bus station, the teenager grew nervous. What if her friends wouldn't be there this year? Or what if Gladys wasn't there too? She couldn't survive the summer without them. A million thoughts rushed through her head. Her anxiety was starting to get a rise out of her so she bit her nails to help her calm down.

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They eventually arrived at the bus station. María got out of the car and her father followed after her. She grabbed her bag and sling it over her shoulder. Her father carried the suitcase for her. He put María's suitcase into the bus trunk //AN: idk if it's right lmao//. They hugged and exchanged a few words

"¡Ay! I can't believe your leaving again María. I'm gonna miss you"

He said with a thick Spanish accent

"I will miss you too papa don't worry I'll call you and keep you updated to the music I'm making"

María said trying to hold back tears. They hugged once again and María got into the bus. When she sat, she looked through the window and waved at her father, who waved back.
Moments later, Claire got into the bus, followed by Jakob. At the same time María sighed in relief. "They're here, thank god." She thought.

They greeted each other and started to catch up one another. So much had happened in their life except for María. The only part exciting in her life was making music. Besides that, everything was always the same.
Claire had broken up on her boyfriend after he cheated on her but she found someone better. She didn't want to say who it was and Jakob //AN: pronounced yakob// started doing music shows even though he was kind of too young. So she smiled and nodded at each thing her friends said.

Then, they asked her the question she dreaded the most

"So what about you María? What's going on in your life?"

Claire asked with a smile on her face from the happiness she had to see her friends again. María gulped and smiled nervously before speaking up

"Well you know... not much. Pretty much just writing songs and singing them. So... yeah..."

She nodded awkwardly. Jakob then spoke up

"Nice! You should participate to one of my shows if you want to, that would be fucking tight"

The Latina girl laughed at Jakob's words but also was relieved when they didn't asked anymore questions.
The three of them continued talking and laughing during the whole trip. Each one of them happy to reunite again.

Little did she know, María would spend the most life-changing, confusing and exciting summer ever.

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yayyy first chapter:)))
So yeah a lot of shit is inaccurate and my writing is pretty shitty lmao mainly because I'm lazy and also because English is not my first language. I speak croissant lmaoo. So yeah hope y'all liked it even though I'm speaking to literally nobody yayy;)


𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝗇𝗅𝗒 ❃ 𝖼𝗎𝖼𝗈 𝖿𝖺𝗇𝖿𝗂𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇Where stories live. Discover now