The Match - Starter

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//Set, obviously, before he goes to Elysium.

Maximus entered the arena of the Coliseum, his usual sword and shield in his hands, the crowd chanting his name. He raised his sword above his head in greeting, making the crowd roar to return the said greeting. He put his arm down when the emperor entered.

If you are male:
You were Maximus' opponent. Despite being much bigger and stronger than him, you were still quite daunted; the crowd 'embraced Maximus as if he were one of their own'. Not only did Maximus have the spurring of the audience' support, but you had heard of his great feats in his fights, and also of how he had risen rapidly through the ranks of a slave to the favourite champion of the crowd.  This was because he was a former general, and therefore a very proficient warrior.  You greeted the emperor, "We who are about to die salute you."  Maximus, as usual, did not do this.  Instead, he stuck his sword in the ground, knelt down, and rubbed sand onto his hands.  He then stood up and took his sword again.  The pair of you faced of, pointing your weapons at each other, waiting to see who would make the first move.  You...?

//Don't give me any bull crap in that you would beat Maximus - no. Way. You will lose. I don't want anybody rping that he is a better fighter than Maximus, because that's very far-fetched. For those who haven't watched the movie, watch it, and then you'll see what I mean.

If you are female:
Like a majority of the women, you were quite enamoured by Maximus.  Maximus won easily, and you were very happy.  After the games, you hurried to the section of seats that bordered the walkway for gladiators to walk back to their quarters.  You tried your best to get his attention...

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