Kushina and Minato's heads were spinning. They were desperately trying to think of something, anything, to refute Naruto's claims, but they couldn't. They couldn't remember him at the dinner table. They couldn't even remember when his birthday was. And the only things they remember saying to him were belittling, mean and hateful. Were things really that bad? They never noticed the sky outside become pitch black and the winds begin to howl. Their blatant ignorance made Naruto's anger grow so strong that it summoned a storm.

Minato went to stand next to Kushina who is on the verge of tears, "Naruto, please let us try to make it up to you so we can be a family again. We only paid extra attention to Mito because we think she is the child of prophecy"

Naruto replied, in a calm tone, with a barrage of questions, "Was I a fussy child? What was my first word? I was born with birthmarks, what were they? When did my eyes and hair change color? What were my favorite kinds of books? How I did I get these books because you certainly didn't get them for me? You remember that my heart defect made me prone to seizures, right? When was my first seizure and on average how many did I have a day?"

Minato and Kushina sank to their knees. They didn't know the answers.

"Did I go through the childhood stages of development faster or slower than them?" Naruto points at Arashi, Menma and Kurama who were staring at their parents silently begging them to answer one of the questions, "Where was I the day of the nine tailed fox's attack?"

The only sounds that were heard were the loud booms of thunder that accompanied the bright flashes of lightning.

Naruto sighed, "Do you understand now? The neglect and abuse started long before Mito and this child of prophecy crap. It started the second the doctor said heart defect. When you heard that I became the broken toy and you threw me away. So I don't ever want to hear any of you say 'be a family again' because the only family dynamic that ever existed in this house is where there are 6 Namikazes and one reject. Now if you'll excuse I'm going home."

"H-home?" A confused Menma stuttered.

"You all know my bedroom is the attic, right? Tell me do any of you know what the attic looks like? No? Well when you regain the ability to walk go check it out. Maybe it will explain why I moved out 8 years ago." Naruto said bluntly.

There was a loud cracking noise as a bolt of lightning hit and incinerated a tree next to the Namikaze household. They all stared in horror and their blood turned to ice with fear as Naruto turned and left. They heard his footsteps going down the hall, the front door open and close. The storm vanished. None of the Namikazes could move. They were just too shocked, except for Mito, who was staring at her parents and brothers with a smug expression.

After a few seconds they recovered. Minato raced up to the attic. Kushina made three clones despite the strain it could do to her body. The clones went through the photo albums and Kushina went through all the pictures in the house looking for any with Naruto in them.

Arashi, Menma and Kurama weren't sure what to do so they just watched their mother's frantic search. Then they noticed their father was back in the living room. Minato's head was hung low and his bangs covered his eyes.

Kurama's eyes widened as he saw blood drip to the floor, "Father, are you ok? Your hand is bleeding!" Kurama yelped as he got up and healed the deep gash on Minato's hand.

Minato sobbed, "I can't believe I put a child in there. There's no drywall or insulation. There are nails sticking out everywhere and there are holes in the window."

The eldest Namikazes were shocked. Naruto was living in a place like that!

They were shaken from their thoughts by a bloodcurdling scream from Kushina "MINATO I can't find him anywhere!...OH god! He doesn't even have a baby book!" Kushina broke down and started crying.

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