Chapter Fifty Four| Grayson's going to love it

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes, screwing my face up. I was meant to be seeing Grayson after work and going to the beach, but friends have to come first plus I've seen him enough lately.

I originally pictured finishing work, going to Grayson's house, having a shower with him then cuddling in bed and taking a nap but I guess shopping sounds. . Fun.

Actually there's a few other words in my vocabulary I'd rather use to describe the way I feel about going shopping.

"Yeah, whatever." I said, sounding as unexcited as I looked.

I looked at Avery, watching as she stared at something intently behind me, I turned to see it was Cam, do they know each other?

"Do you want to come?" Avery spoke up, I stared at her confused, thinking she was talking to me, but she was in fact talking to the short pink haired girl behind me, Cam.

Cam's eyes widened, "Me?" she asked in disbelief.

Avery nodded, her high ponytail bobbing up and down as she did so.

"Obviously," she scoffed, "You're Grace's friend, aren't you?"

Cam stayed quiet and frozen for a moment before nodding vastly, "Oh, um, yeah."

"Then it's settled," Avery stated, "When does you shift end?" she asked, diverting her attention back to me.

I shrugged, "In twenty minutes or so,"

After that, Cam and I served the customers their now, probably unfortunately cold food. We cleaned up the tables, I mopped the floor and served a few more customers before my shift was thankfully over, Cam and I both had the same shifts usually since we both have to work after school hours and on weekends.

We both scurried into the break room, I quickly grabbed my bag and phone, pulling out my hoodie before pulling it over my head, I didn't think I'd be going to the mall, so I didn't come prepared, so my pastel work skirt and grey Harvard hoodie is going to have to do.

Cam rummaged around her bag, before pulling out a brightly colour block zip-up jacket, sliding her arms through the sleeves then slipping her pastel Nike bag on.

It wouldn't be Cam if she wasn't wearing a variety of different, loud colours.

She smiled at me before we clocked out then exited the diner, walking out and to the parking lot where Avery and Taylor waited in Avery's Bentley, both quietly scrolling on their phones.

Cam spoke up quietly from behind me as we neared the car.

"Are you don't mind me coming, I feel like I'm intruding."

I shook my head, "No, no, it's fine. Honestly."

We both walked to separate sides of the car, opening the door and sliding in. Avery switched her phone off, slipping it in the cup holder between her seat and where Taylor was sitting.

She started the car, making small conversation with Cam as we drove to the mall whilst I grabbed my phone out of my bag and sent Gray a quick text.

She started the car, making small conversation with Cam as we drove to the mall whilst I grabbed my phone out of my bag and sent Gray a quick text

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