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I looked over the crowd of teenagers around me and shuffled my feet awkwardly. The strobe lights illuminated the school hall and highlighted the cringe-worthy Valentines decor.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Sabrina asked, resting her hand on my arm. I tried to explain what happened between the wedding reception and buying the Valentino's as best I could on the way home, but I knew I sounded psychotic. Who dreams up people and steals cars to buy shoes?

"Yeah," I nodded, smiling reassuringly. I might not be confident that I'm okay, but at least this dance is a welcome distraction.

"Look at that hotty!" Sabrina exclaimed, pushing my face backward in an uncomfortable, unnatural direction.

My pulse raced. Time seemed to stand still. His blond hair changed color with the beat of the pulsing music. It was him. The drunk mystery man. Sober now. As handsome as ever. A charming smile played on his lips as he caught my eye.

"Please tell me you can see him, Bree," my voice came out strangled as I kept eye contact with him.

"Of course I can!?" She asked. I was quiet. I waited for the daze to take hold of me, but it never did. Not one vision of the future popped into my head. Sabrina's hand on my arm reassured me that I was still securely anchored to reality.

I watched him walk towards me. I pulled at my red dress, the silk stroking my newly shaved legs. I looked down and my Valentino's seemed to wink at me. Shaking my head, I looked back up to the man striding towards me. Maybe reality is going to be better than the castles I build in the clouds. Better than my dreams. Better than my imagination.

"I think he's Stefan Kruger, the new lit teacher," Sabrina's voice interrupted, "They said he's going to be here tonight. Do you know him?"

He stopped in front of me, his smile bright. My heart soared when I saw the recognition in his eyes. The entire morning was not in my imagination. Maybe the fate of the romancer was not all doom and gloom.

"Nicole," he said and took my hands in his, "What a small world."

I looked back at Sabrina and smiled; my only response to her question:

"Not yet."

Word count: 2821

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