Chapter 1

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It is 7:30 AM in the morning when a beautiful voice echo in the house.They sang songs in the praise of god as all the family members walk down one by one.Ram walked down the stairs while Riyan who held his 6 months pregnant wife Meher carefully walked out of their room on the first floor towards the temple in their house.Then the sound of talking is heard. The beautiful voices finish the pooja and see the others already there. The  voices are of the mother and daughter Preety and Paarthvi.

 The  voices are of the mother and daughter Preety and Paarthvi

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They all greet each other. Preety  proceeded towards the kitchen to take care of the breakfast. The others sat in the living room chatting up as Paarthvi distributed the prasaad. Her father and brother kissed her forehead lovingly as she went to them one by one with the prasaad. All were in a little relaxed mood as it was a Friday and like always it was a half day for all. Paarthvi happily sat down next to her Meher Bhabi and spoke to her as well as her baby nephew/niece.

Eating their breakfast everyone proceeded towards their own workplace.Ram went to the office and Riyan went to hotel sites for various meetings.Paarthvi went to the an orphanage named Fireflies that she was a trustee of. Preety and Meher remained at home as Meher was on maternity leave and to give her company Preety worked from home for her NGO 's.

At home Preety and Meher spent time together and talked about all things when Preety told Meher that she wanted to discuss something important regarding Pari {Paarthvi}. She asked Meher whether there was someone in Paarthvi's life or someone she liked. Meher denied and asked her the reason for her mom's question. Preety told her that two months back she was at the mall shopping for an event at the NGO when she bumped into her childhood friend who she had lost contact with few years after her marriage. Her name is Nalini.Talking for some time about their lives and catching up on stuff they decided to meet with their husbands as meeting together with family was impossible. Preety told Meher that this had happened when all of them had gone for vacations to Goa for a week and Nalini's children were also busy with their carriers. They had met up and their husbands had also clicked and become friends. They knew each other by name as both of them were famous businessmen Ram Luthera and Himanshu Pandya.  

Nalini had shown her a picture of her kids and Preety had done the same. Nalini had taken a liking towards Pari immediately. Ram had recognised her two sons they were after all the sons of the country. On Meher's questioning and confused look Preety told her that they were the the Pandya Brothers who played cricket for India. Hearing this Meher was now extra excited to know more of this talk and insisted her MIL to continue. Preety told her that Nalini had sent a proposal for marriage for Paarthvi for her younger son Hardik. Hearing this Meher screamed in happiness after all their were chances that he would become the son of this house. Preety them asked Meher to not say this to anyone till the evening as they would talk to Pari in the evening when everyone returned. Meher asked her MIL whether their Dad[FIL] knew about this and Preety told her that he had agreed two days back and it was his decision to talk to Pari today.

Suddenly there were tears in Meher's eyes and Preety got worried. Mehr wailed and said that they were telling her about this so late. Preety consoled her and told her that she wa she was the first to know about this out of all of this and Meher became happy. She then apologized and said that it was her bad pregnancy hormones causing all the mood swings and Preety laughed it off. Preety sent Meher back to rest and went to the kitchen to prepare evening snacks for all.

By 4 PM everyone had returned from work and were seated in the living room.

All were having snacks and coffee when Ram cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention

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All were having snacks and coffee when Ram cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. Everyone was interested in what their father had to say but had a confused expression except for Meher and Preety

Ram-I wanted to tell everyone that a marriage proposal has come for Princess

 Riyan- What the? Why? Princess is very young for marriage and...

Preety-Beta the right time to get married she's 23 and we are not getting her married today itself

 Meher- Ya don't start getting overprotective she has to marry one day

Ram- princess we are not forcing you do you like someone or is there.....

Paarthvi who was sitting quietly since the beginning cut of her Dad and said

Paarthvi- Dad there is nothing like that and ya... I think I am ready for marriage and I'm okay  marring anyone you choose

Riyan- Baby girl are you sure? cause if....

Paarthvi- no bhai no pressure I think it's time 

Riyan- Dad who has sent the proposal? is the family good? is the boy good?

Ram- The family is good and the proposal is sent by your mom's childhood bestie who had lost contact and met 2 months back and..

Riyan- Mom which friend and why don't we know her?

Ram-they lost contact and as I was saying you might know the guy well...

Meher- Dad the world knows him obviously they know him and are they are...

Riyan- You knew about this and you did not tell me thats mean

Preety- She also came to know today and I asked her to not tell anyone so stop this drama of getting angry

Ram- so the guy is India's famous All rounder Hardik Pandya 

Riyan- so mom dad your friends with Mr and Mrs Himanshu Pandya and you did not tell us

Ram-beta even we got to know this some time back

All are shocked. Her brother had a huge smile on his face and so does everyone else. Paarthvi's mind conjours up an image of her may be husband and she blushes.

Riran- have you checked his background.......we mean even though he is....

Ram- ya obviously how can I let my princess marry or even see anyone like that I checked everything personally. He has had a few relations in the past but overall it's a clean image so its a green flag from our side its Pari's decision to make to meet him

Paarthvi hears her name and it pulled her out of her dream world as all her family looks at her questioningly. She blushes and nods her head confirming that she is ready to meet up.

Ram happily was going to call........


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