CHAPTER 5 ~ The city

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The city

Anne jogged in excitement until she reached the south border of the city. Her mother would have gone instead, but Anne had insisted to take her place for that day's grocery shopping.

She stopped and rested her elbows on her knees as she ducked down to catch her breath. As much as Anne loved the golden fields right outside the city, the pavement, the tall buildings and the smoky air felt more like home to her.

Anne fixed her short hair and nervously straightened the collar of her shirt, she buttoned up the top two buttons of it and a warm smile appeared on her lips. She pressed her hand on the outside of her right pocket and felt the small coins dangling as she started walking.

The cement felt odd underneath her feet and the grey buildings were blocking her view at first. However, as she moved inside the city, all the sounds she had been hearing became clear. She blended in with the crowd that overflowed the pavements. The cars were an extremely rare sight and every sound of a horn made Anne jump momentarily and then smile even brighter.

Some streets were busier than others and Anne was not used to being around so many adults and elders. She chose to stroll through a pretty alley that seemed quiet and isolated. As she walked, she tapped her feet and looked around her, desperate to absorb as many images of the city as she could.

Her feet led her to another crowded street, a street that held many of her childhood memories. There was a small barbershop in the corner, where her father used to go and he would always bring her with him. Right next to it was a flower shop that used to be filled with beautiful, sweet-smelling flowers but was now shut down and grey. Her heart felt tight.

On the left side of the old flower shop was the small grocery store she was heading to. She reached it pushing her way through the rushing passengers.

The door of the store opened and a small bell rang as she stepped in. A bald, middle-aged man turned to face her with a smile that warmed her up inside.

'Good morning Mr. Freedenberg!' Anne said and smiled back.

'Good morning. Oh, wait! I remember you! Are you not Adam's daughter? How are you, sweetheart?' he asked and his eyes made her feel welcome inside his store.

'I'm good, thank you. I'm here to pick up the week's grocery,' she said and straightened her torso.

'Right, well, do you have the list with you?' he asked and reached under the counter for a couple of seconds.

'Yes,' she answered and pulled a wrinkled piece of yellow paper out of her left pocket. She straightened it and looked back at the friendly man. He had pulled up a big bag, made by a thick, brown fabric.

Anne read the list. 'Half a dozen eggs, three bags of beans, two cartons of milk, two bags of rise, a bottle of shampoo and a packet of nails,' she read and placed the list on the counter in front of her.

'It's all in there,' he reassured her.

Anne reached for the three bronze coins and left them in the man's palm. He studied them for a moment and then opened drawer underneath the cash register to put them in.

Anne looked at him with a frown. 'It's not enough money, is it?' she asked. 'I know it's not,' she told him.

'Your parents have always been typical with this kind of stuff so I thought I would spare them this time,' he said.

Anne reached to the back pocket of her brown rolled up pants and gave the man two more bronze coins. 'That should cover it. Please, don't tell my parents. I wouldn't want them to feel bad,' she explained.

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