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Sal got a call on his walkie talkie.
"hey Sally face, you gotta come down here! I'm bored! Oh and we have pizza."
Sal had already been ready before Larry even mentioned pizza. He had just been sitting with gizmo while they watched his tv.
"Be there in five Larry face"
The boys did this all the time and it wasn't out of the ordinary for one to call the other to their room to hang out. Usually it was Larry because Sal slept most of his spare time.
Sally collected his things, gear boy, hair ties, and a blanket. These nights usually ended up with sal staying over at Larry's so sal would bring an extra blanket. Sal put his hair up and strapped his mask on, grabbing his gear boy and walking out the door.
After a long elevator ride with boring music, sal had made it to Larry's. He didn't knock or anything because Larry had been expecting him. He walked into Larry's room just to be greeted by Larry's strong smelling oil paints.
"Hey Sal, I'm trying to think of what to paint"
"Just paint whatever comes to mind"
Sal never showed Larry what was under his mask and Larry had been growing more and more curious over the months. Whenever he saw sal, he would wonder what he looked like under his mask. Sal never showed Larry because he was self conscious and insecure. Still Larry wondered.
Sal sat down on the beanbag in Larry's room, playing on his gear boy.
The two boys sat in silence, larry sometimes catching sal glance at him but not minding. After a few hours Larry showed his painting to sal. It was sal, he was holding his mask slightly away from his face. Under the mask were flowers blooming from his face. It was a beautiful painting, it almost looked like it was a picture and not art. It was incredibly detailed and beautiful. Sal was so over come with emotions that he started to cry.
"Sal dude! Are you ok? Why are you crying"
"You, you think I'm beautiful under this stupid piece of plastic"
"Sal I know you are!"
"Larry, trust me, nothing could be farther from the truth"
The boy took off his mask without thinking and looked into Larry's eyes.
"See? I look disgusting!"
"Dude! You're Fucking beautiful"
"Shutup dumbass"
"Sal I mean it! Your scars look badass! I never noticed how pretty your eyes were!"
Sal out of nowhere sprung up and kissed the boy. Larry kissed back almost immediately. When they pulled away the only thing Sally could say was:
"You didn't look away"
AHHH fuckin cuties.
I thought this was a cute idea.
K imma go now bye

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