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I huffed in annoyance as I noticed my neighbour blocking my path out the door, all I wanted to do was go out and buy some cigarettes, I couldn’t even do that without weirdo neighbour here interrogating me about where I was going and when I’d be back. “Move asshole,” I grunted as I attempted to shove past him but his feet stayed in place and my tiny frame bounced off him. He raised one eyebrow and crossed his arms across his broad chest smirking in a challenge, inviting me to try and push past him again. Instead I stepped back and imitated him, slowly I stepped to the left however he followed my movements. I stepped to the right and once again attempted to push past him however his arms reached out and held me in place, looking at me sternly. “What is your problem?” I growled as my shoulders dropped in defeat. My eyes flickered up from the ground to meet his, I gasped in surprise when I realised how close he’d gotten our noses less than three centimetres apart. I inhaled shakily not entirely sure what to expect, I was trapped beneath his hands so escape was not an option but nevertheless I attempted to wriggle free. He simply chuckled and gripped my shoulders in an even tighter grip. His warm minty breath washed over me as I continued to struggle. “Let go you fucking dick” I screeched my voice taking on a grating quality. Again my neighbour chuckled before leaning in even closer, his deep brown eyes taking in every inch of my face, our noses were now touching. Finally he spoke, “Say my name.” I blinked in confusion, out of all the things I’d been expecting this was not it. I shook my head withdrawing slowly from him as his grip on me loosened. “What?” my mind was still racing from our close encounter and confusion clouded all rational thought. “Say. My. Name.” He ordered, hands still resting on my shoulders. “I don’t-“I stumbled over my words before he finally interrupted me, “Let me guess, you don’t know my name.” His eyes flickered with disappointment as I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders casually. Honestly I didn’t give a damn what his name was, there really would never be any reason for me to use it. So finally I managed to pull away and turned away from him and hurried to the door of our apartment complex, praying he wouldn’t follow me. I almost stumbled over my feet when a voice called behind me, “My name is Noel.”

I nodded my head, though he probably couldn’t see me. I was glad actually that he couldn’t see me because I was hiding my slight smile as I pushed open the heavy door and strode out into the humid air.

As I wandered aimlessly through the streets, having purchased what I’d come for, I took note of the way the sunlight reflected off the puddles on the sidewalk. My mind flickered from thought to thought, memories of strange conversations clouded my thoughts as my feet led me wherever they wished to go, it was because I wasn’t watching where I was going that I ended up where I did, I suppose. As I glanced up from the gleaming sidewalk I found myself standing before a large brick building, neatly groomed lawns contrasted harshly against the disregard with which this place was clearly treated, cigarettes littered the concrete front steps of the building, having fallen from uncaring fingers, frozen from the early morning air. I closed my eyes, leaning my forehead against the cold metal fence which surrounded my old high school. Images of myself sitting on these steps, nicotine between my fingers and laughter between my lips flashed through my mind, I’d once been one of these uncaring people, one of those people who seemed to have all the freedom which the world could offer, yet of course, when something seems too good to be true, it usually is. And so that perfect uncaring world became an illusion built by the lies of the people around me and my own wishes which I’d hoped so hard to become true it seemed they had. It was for old times’ sake I guess which drove me to sit down on those steps and pull out my lighter. Bringing the stick to my lips I lit it with a flickering blue flame, inhaling the musky scent of the smoke I let my back lean against the wall behind me, warmed by the sun which now shone on it in the afternoon light.

Maybe it was because I was concentrating on something else that I didn’t initially notice the people which stood before me, creating dim shadows. It was a snide voice which made me glance up, “Oi look boys, it’s meat back for more.” I raised my hand to my face as I glanced up at them, the sharp faces of my old ‘friends’ looked down at me. In the group stood three boys of mixed stature, one of them was tall and muscular, a basketball player naturally. Another was smaller yet had a cruel face and the other was the one who had spoken and the one I looked at last. Broad shoulders and soft brown hair which flopped across a face I knew only too well, Joseph Thomas. Flanking these boys, or men I suppose, were four girls who kept nudging each other and giggling behind their hands. I remained silent as I simply looked at them, waiting for them to make their first move. “Well meat, you sure have grown up nicely haven’t you.” Again it was Joseph who spoke. “Pity I can’t say the same for you.” I replied, twirling the glowing cigarette between my fingers. The giggling of the girls halted, it seemed that insulting one of their Gods was of limits. I let the cigarette drop from my fingers as I got to my feet, preparing for more insults to come flying my way. What I wasn’t expecting however was the fist which was rapidly flying towards my stomach. Usually fists only started flying after a few more insults but maybe things had changed and Joe had become even less conflicted about beating up girls. The first punch caught me square in the abdomen crushing the air out of my lungs, I doubled over but quickly recovered. Recovery was my only option and my only method of escape since my tiny stature meant I had no chance of retaliation. Ducking under the fist aimed for my jaw I attempted to run but was immediately caught by two iron hands on either forearm. This time the punch to my jaw hit home and I was rewarded with the stinging feeling of my eyes beginning to water, blinking away the tears and knowing that a bruise was already beginning to form I twisted out of the two brutes’ grip and darted away, pushing between the huddle of girls who now didn’t look amused but rather horrified. I heard laughter as I sprinted away, “Catch ya later meat.” 

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