"Piss off and find somethin' actually worthwhile to do!" George snapped.

"Shut up, spindly." Kevin hissed, and George promptly did so, standing next to Ringo with anger smouldering in his gaze.

"Little birdie heard you two in the bathroom." Kevin turned back to John and Paul, corner of his lip twitching in disgust. Oh no. John's heart picked up speed, feeling every hair on his arm stand up in horror. He can't be serious.

"Bullshit! There was nothin' to hear." Paul spat, though he could see the raw dread reflected in his wide eyes. "Yer talkin' out yer arse, there."

"Ask him, then." The dark-haired boy jabbed a thumb to someone behind him in the sniggering group of boys. They followed the direction to spot who he was talking about; John's breath caught in his throat as he stared in shock. Why? Why.. was he lying? How could he? Did he actually?-

"Stuart?" Paul gaped. 

"What?" Stu glanced at them. He looked genuinely bewildered, and his brows furrowed as he took a few steps forward to reach them. "No I didn't-"

"Now everyone knows about you two." Kevin turned back to them with his arms crossed over his chest. John glanced around; there were people gathered, watching the scene with tens of curious eyes peering at him. Peering into his head, seeing all his thoughts and his desires. Seeing what he'd done.

"What do you mean? You don't know shit! There's nothin' to know!" Paul's voice grew louder in volume, too loud to be believable, but John could barely pay any attention to him anymore. All he had were eyes for Stuart. He wanted so badly - so badly - not to believe Kevin's words. Stu would never do that to him. They were close, once. Why would he do something so horrible like that? Why the hell should he believe him, anyway? Kevin always liked to make up rumours and start shit with no reason for it. There wasn't any way that any of them had figured out about him and Paul's relationship.

"He's sayin' bullshit, John. I don't even know what he's talkin' about-" Stuart rushed over to him, eyes reflecting dismay as he gripped onto his friend's shoulder - but John couldn't bear to be near him for even one more second. He didn't know what to think at all.

"Piss off." His voice was low, strangely quiet - and with that, he stormed away. He could barely see where he was going; he was just walking blindly ahead, fists clenched at his side as he stared blankly at the ground. He could hear footsteps behind him, and he figured in the back of his mind that his friends were following after him, but he didn't pay any attention. Kevin sounded so sure about them - but he could see in Stuart's eyes the actual confusion. He seemed so genuine with his words "I don't even know what he's talking about". Was he seriously telling the truth? What reason did he have to tell those people, anyway? Did he have something against him? Was he jealous of him and Paul's relationship? That was stupid. Stuart didn't feel like that about him anymore, neither did John for him. 

"What do we do? Oh my god, what do we do?" Paul sounded almost panicked, and John surfaced to reality and watched as the younger boy paced frantically back and forth in the school parking lot, George and Ringo trying to calm him down.

"Paul, please-" The lanky boy began, looking worried, but he was dismissed.

"I can't have anyone knowin'. Me da' will find out- I can't do this." He kept running a hand through his hair, making eye contact with John to emphasise his point.

The Less I Know The Better [complete]Where stories live. Discover now