Approximately an hour went by before a group of finely dressed Eldens appeared in the room.

"Those of you who feel good health, please follow," one of them announced in broken English before turning around and walking off, followed by the others.

All of us except Jack and the other severely wounded were guided through several ornate candlelit hallways. These passages were richly decorated with long velvet carpets and many small round windows looking out over the city. We followed the group of Eldens to the same grand wooden avenue we'd arrived at until we reached another platform. Once we were all in place, this platform began rising, and we slowly ascended to an even higher smaller road running perpendicular to the grand avenue.

We walked along the higher road, which I noticed was slowly raising higher as we walked for several minutes until I saw our destination—another tree, this one even larger than the first. Wrapped around the trunk of this magnificent tree was a sprawling palace, beautiful beyond words. It was at least ten levels high, each with large balconies where Eldens and their eagles continued to land as we approached.

The man leading us stopped, turned, and bowed to us. "Welcome to the grand palace of Elden!" By this time the road we were on had been slowly elevated so that it perfectly connected with a walkway that came out from the Palace tree.

Horns blew and the large wooden doors, which had the same eagle emblem as at the grand hall, slowly opened. A towering spiral staircase had been carved right through the middle of the tree, curling up to the different levels of the palace. We walked up the staircase to the highest level and were amazed when it opened into a large circular room made entirely of intricately decorated glass. One long wooden table followed the pattern of the room and circled around the circumference of the tree. Enormous stone fireplaces were somehow built right into the trunk. The view out the windows was beyond description, it was as if the incredible city of Elden went on forever.

"Please sit here," said our guide as he pointed to several chairs near the end of the table. At the head was a throne-like chair of twisted branches.

As we waited for the king to arrive, we sat and talked about the mysterious city and our confusing circumstances. Engravings of all kinds completely covered the tree side walls. Suddenly, the king's eagle landed on the narrow glass plank extending from the window near us. The king, who I had thought seemed old and frail, jumped like a young man from his eagle before it even landed. He strode into the dining hall with kingly grace.

"Please accept my sincerest apologies," he said in a funny . "These are terrible times we face. Enemies from a far-off kingdom continue to invade our lands and slaughter my people," he said somberly as he took his seat. "One of our villages was just attacked and burned to the ground. Yes, dark times indeed... hasn't been like this for an age."

As soon as he sat down, Eldens hurried out in every direction, returning with large metal platters filled with food and drinks of all kinds. Thick passing clouds crept up through the cracks of the wooden floor as we started to eat, creating a magical atmosphere.

"We are very sorry for your loss," said Drew. "I believe we passed through that village. It was a horrible sight to see."

"Yes... we have been unable to find the attackers. More attacks seem to be coming every month," explained the king as he started to eat an array of strong smelling mysterious meats. "I fear the city of Elden will continue to take in more and more refugees. It has become too dangerous to live outside our great walls once again."

"What kingdom are they from? Who are these enemies?" I asked.

"A kingdom of men, I yourselves, but truly evil. Their leader is a power hungry and barbaric human named King Acat. He brainwashes his subjects, the Turonks, to believe he is a god. When they don't kill my people, they take them away and enslave them...many times offering them up as sacrifices." His voice grew angrier as he violently ripped apart the meat in front of him. "We will find and destroy them! I have sent scouts out in every direction to track this band of murderers. They can't be far. This is why we attacked you as we did. When I heard there were men living in my kingdom, I thought it must be Turonks. I'm sorry for those who were hurt."

"You said humans," said Cubby anxiously. "Are they from Earth as well?"

"Yes, yes, there are many men from your planet here on Orona. This is how I have come to speak your tongue. The queen's English is what Henry called it. He was a great teacher."

"Who is this Henry?" I asked.

"His name was Henry Hudson. He came to Orona as you did, under mysterious circumstances. He spent several years here in Elden with me and became a good friend of mine. He taught me much of your world, before leaving in an effort to return home."

"Did he get home?" asked Cubby eagerly. "How long ago did he leave?"

"Hmm... let me see..." said the king. He stroked his long white beard and peered over at the crackling fire. "It was several hundred years ago now. My memory isn't what it used to be."

"Several hundred years ago!" exclaimed Cubby. " Did he get home?"

"Well...I'm not sure. That was the last I heard of him. I begged him not to go, but he was a stubborn and ambitious man. Said he had a score to settle. Left with his son and two other men to the kingdom of Newdonia."

"Newdonia? Where is that?" asked Cubby.

"Another kingdom of Earth men far to the south of here. A kingdom ruled by a just king named Richard. Haven't talked to him in an age. Originally from England, like Henry," he said. "Hope he is well. I had heard that King Richard knew a way to return back to your world. Who knows, though. Seems impossible to me."

"How do we get there?" asked Cubby, standing up.

The king let out a laugh. "Easy there, young lad. Maybe you should eat something first," he said, noticing Cubby hadn't touched his food. "Besides, you've just arrived and I don't think most of your people are in any condition to make the long and perilous journey to Newdonia."

"How far is it to Newdonia, good king?" asked Drew politely, gently pulling Cubby back down.

"Well...That depends. If you go by land, it could take many months. But if you went to Caston first, and boarded a ship, you could be there much faster. That is, if you caught a good southerly wind."

"A few months," exclaimed Cubby. "There must be another way. I have to get back to my family!" He stood up and walked over to the window, fuming silently.

I glanced over at the king, who seemed confused. "I'm sorry," I said to the king. "My brother is anxious to get back home to his family. We have been through a lot these past days. We don't mean to be impolite and ungracious."

"I understand," he assured me. "I will do what I can to help you. It is the Elden way."

After cooling off, Cubby walked over and sat back down, somewhat embarrassed. The king could tell that he was still very upset. In an attempt to relieve the tension, he stood and raised his decorated glass to give a toast.

"I'm sure many of you have questions and are confused by what you see," said the king. "I assure you, I will do everything I can to help you return home to your families. In the meantime, we will help your wounded and prepare for your journey home. I have instructed my people to treat you all as welcomed guests. I personally look forward to learning more of your home and spending time together. Now." With that, he quickly hurried over to his waiting eagle and before we knew it, he was gone.

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