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Hello, everypony of Equestria! Game Art here and I am here to proudly announce my official ask or dare book where you, as the audience, get to find out all kinds of stuff about me and watch (read) me do dares. This is my 100+ follower special as promised. Rules? Yes, rules! Okay, here they are (Password included):

1. Absolutely no NSFW. Includes smut, lemons, screwing, etc. Nothing sexual.

2. Don't get too personal. Examples: Admin's age, real name, etc. Only focus on me, Game Art. I'm better than admin.

3. May ask anything.

4. May dare anything.

5. If ask about certain views and such, then please don't rant about what I have to say because depending on the situation....I will be as honest as Applejack herself.

6. My personal views must be respected otherwise I would just block and delete your comment(s).

7. Don't hate nor rant/vent about me in your own books such as a random one, etc. Calling me or anyone out for no reason is really uncalled for and 100% immatured. That is against Wattpad's rules and regulations. So, don't do it or face the possible consequences.

8. Be ready to be mentioned in the ask or dare. Only will be mentioned, so you all could visually see the answer or whatever done. Watt tends to send one to the beginning of a book after the author just updated.

9. Want updates? Please feel free to add in your library or reading list(s). I don't mind.

10. Raise friendship because friendship is magic.

Remember these and you shall be fine. Oh, if you obey and read all if the rules through carefully, the password is #FriendshipIsMagic! Please, comment that below that way I get it. Don't just comment it and go psycho. I play games, but not those kind of games. Nice try!

Ask Or Dare Game ArtWhere stories live. Discover now