-rules and regulations-

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1. When applying for a position it's highly encouraged and recommended that you have experience in that area.
2. Fill out the applications fully and throughly, it's better to be detailed than vague.
3. Expect to be contributing be the team, becoming excessively inactive will get you absolutely no where in our community.
4. Be patient after submitting your application and if you want to politely check in after a few days that's fine, but don't be rushing pressuring anyone.
5. If you're rejected then accept it and be understanding, don't harass our community in any form and try applying again if you really must.
6. Once accepted you must wait to be given access to the account because you must gain trust by the team and especially the manager.

1. Be contributing and responsible.
2. If you must take a break or become inactive then please let a higher-up position know but check the chain of command to know who to talk to.
3. Don't cause problems with other members.
4. If there's a dispute then first refer to Human Resources.
5. Follow the chain of command.
6. Work your hardest and to best of your ability.
7. Be aware that frequent problem-causing will lead to being removed from the community.
8. Check in on the group chat frequently as well as the announcements book.
9. Absolutely never share the account password.
10. Stick your position and don't control or interfere with anyone else's unless given permission by a higher-up position to do so.
11. This goes along with absolutely never changing the accounts aesthetic, biography, responding to messages, etc. if it's not your job to.

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